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Green dragon   /grin drˈægən/   Listen
Green dragon

European arum resembling the cuckoopint.  Synonyms: Dracunculus vulgaris, dragon arum.
Early spring-flowering plant of eastern North America resembling the related jack-in-the-pulpit but having digitate leaves, slender greenish yellow spathe and elongated spadix.  Synonym: Arisaema dracontium.

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"Green dragon" Quotes from Famous Books

... he held in his hand the powder of projection, the philosopher's stone transmuting all it touched to fine gold; the gold of exquisite impressions. He understood now something of the alchemical symbolism; the crucible and the furnace, the "Green Dragon," and the "Son Blessed of the Fire" had, he saw, a peculiar meaning. He understood, too, why the uninitiated were warned of the terror and danger through which they must pass; and the vehemence with which the adepts disclaimed all desire for material riches no longer struck ...
— The Hill of Dreams • Arthur Machen

... the edge of the stream, and gave herself up to the full enjoyment of her surroundings. An immense green dragon-fly whirred past her and shot away into the shadows. She watched its flight with fascinated eyes, so sudden was it, so swift, and so unerringly direct. It reminded her of something, she could not remember what. She wrestled with her memory vainly, and finally dismissed the matter with ...
— The Keeper of the Door • Ethel M. Dell

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