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Confer with   /kənfˈər wɪð/   Listen
Confer with

Get or ask advice from.  Synonym: consult.  "They had to consult before arriving at a decision"

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"Confer with" Quotes from Famous Books

... shall I not mount with your lordship's leave to her ladyship's castle, in your lordship's and her ladyship's name, and confer with her ladyship's seneschal, and so descend again with some of ...
— Becket and other plays • Alfred Lord Tennyson

... chamber, torch in hand, withdrew, And with obedient haste two beds prepar'd. Then thus Achilles spoke in jesting tone: "Thou needs must sleep without, my good old friend; Lest any leader of the Greeks should come, As is their custom, to confer with me; Of them whoe'er should find thee here by night Forthwith to Agamemnon would report, And Hector might not be so soon, restor'd. But tell me truly this; how many days For godlike Hector's fun'ral rites ye need; That for so long a ...
— The Iliad • Homer

... upon to accept the "satisfaction," the presents required even from an in voluntary homicide, he was evidently freed from the restricted limits of the "ever-sacred soil," for his name is recorded in the list of warriors who went to Charlestown in 1759 to confer with Governor Lyttleton on the distracted state of the frontier, and being held as one of the hostages of that unlucky embassy, he perished in the massacre of the Cherokees by the garrison of Fort Prince George, after the treacherous murder of the commandant, Captain ...
— The Frontiersmen • Charles Egbert Craddock

... now. Up to this time, they've been fighting for the Lobbies. Now they'll fight you for their own bellies to get your supplies. And they've still got shuttle rockets and fuel for them. Now beat it. I gotta confer with Jake." ...
— Badge of Infamy • Lester del Rey

... letter is respy. referred to Surgeon-General Dole with the request that he would confer with Surgeon Stone and Lieutenant-Colonel Hallowell. It is surprising, and not fair nor fit, that a man trying as Mr. Stearns is, to serve the country at a risk, should suffer thus by such disagreement ...
— Cambridge Sketches • Frank Preston Stearns

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