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By the way   /baɪ ðə weɪ/   Listen
By the way

Introducing a different topic; in point of fact.  Synonyms: apropos, by the bye, incidentally.

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"By the way" Quotes from Famous Books

... be said of the merits of this acknowledged on all hands to be one of the very best boy's books ever written. "Tom Brown" does not reach the point of ideal excellence. He is not a faultless boy; but his boy-faults, by the way they are corrected, help him in getting on. The more of such reading can be furnished the better. There will never be too much ...
— Publisher's Advertising (1872) • Anonymous

... Deptford to the Cape of Good Hope, with an Account of several Incidents that happened by the Way, ...
— A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1 • James Cook

... talk to each other in Bengali? The leader gave his orders in that language to one man—who, by the way, was the only one he spoke to—and that man passed them on to the ...
— The Elephant God • Gordon Casserly

... Sandwich Land, settled the position of Kerguelen's Land, as also of Isla Grande, on which he justly prided himself; and his survey of the southern shore of Tierra del Fuego was long unsurpassed, while he rendered the greatest service to the cause of humanity by the way he maintained the health of his crews. During all previous expeditions numbers of the men had perished. During his long and protracted voyage he lost none by scurvy, and very few from any ...
— Notable Voyagers - From Columbus to Nordenskiold • W.H.G. Kingston and Henry Frith

... see how man's reactive habits pass simultaneously into art in a wholly different region. Spontaneous expression, such as song, comes when internal growth in an animal system vents itself, as it were, by the way. At the same time animal economy has playful manifestations concerned with outer things, such as burrowing or collecting objects. These practices are not less spontaneous than the others, and no less expressive; but they seem more external because the traces ...
— The Life of Reason • George Santayana

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