... new era in the sugar industry may be dated. Slavery was almost universally abolished and it became necessary to pay for labor. The cost of production was thus increased, while growing competition of European beet sugar lowered the prices. The only remedy for the new state of affairs was the cheapening of the production by the increase of extraction and improvement in manufacture. The double mill took the place of the single, the open wall method of extraction was replaced by vacuum evaporative apparatus ... — Steam, Its Generation and Use • Babcock & Wilcox Co.
... as a motory power, however, must, like every other contrivance, depend upon the question of its relative economy: probably some time hence it may so far succeed as to be adopted in certain favourable localities; it may stand in the same relation to steam power as the manufacture of beet sugar bears to that of cane, or as the production of gas from oils and resins ... — Familiar Letters of Chemistry • Justus Liebig