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Justinian code   Listen
Justinian code

The legal code of ancient Rome; codified under Justinian; the basis for many modern systems of civil law.  Synonyms: civil law, jus civile, Roman law.

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"Justinian code" Quotes from Famous Books

... Transfiguration, Michael Angelo had raised the dome of St. Peter's, Giacomo della Porta had ornamented the Vatican with mosaics, Copernicus had taught the true centre of planetary motion, Dumoulin had introduced into French jurisprudence the principles of the Justinian code, Ariosto had published the "Orlando Furioso," Cervantes had written "Don Quixote," Spenser had dedicated his "Fairy Queen," Shakspeare had composed his immortal dramas, Hooker had devised his "Ecclesiastical Polity," Cranmer had published ...
— Beacon Lights of History, Volume VI • John Lord

... form the "Twelve Tables" were directed to examine the laws of Athens and the Grecian cities. This took them at once to the consideration of many of the laws of Moses. Zell, in his Encyclopedia, says: The glory of Justinian's reign is the famous digest of the Roman law, known generally as the Justinian code, which was compiled out of the Gregorian, Theodorian and Hermogenian codes, by ten of the ablest lawyers of the empire, under the guiding genius of the Jurisconsult Tribonian. Their labors consisted, first, of the "Statute Law." Second, The "Pandects," a digest of the decisions and opinions of ...
— The Christian Foundation, March, 1880

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