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Chester A. Arthur   /tʃˈɛstər ˈɑrθər/   Listen
Chester A. Arthur

Elected vice president and became 21st President of the United States when Garfield was assassinated (1830-1886).  Synonyms: Arthur, Chester Alan Arthur, President Arthur.

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"Chester a. arthur" Quotes from Famous Books

... nominations for President and Vice-President were James A. Garfield, of Ohio, and Chester A. Arthur, of New York, on the Republican ticket, and Winfield S. Hancock, of Pennsylvania, and William H. English, of Indiana, on the Democratic ticket. James B. Weaver was connected with this campaign also. Who will tell us what he had to do with it? Can no one tell us what James B. Weaver had to ...
— Comic History of the United States • Bill Nye

... Miss Anthony, Mrs. Jones, Miss Snow and Miss Couzins, spending some weeks in Washington, asked for an audience with President Chester A. Arthur, and urged him to recommend in his first message to congress the appointment of a standing committee and the ...
— History of Woman Suffrage, Volume III (of III) • Various

... exhibited extraordinary patience, fortitude, and Christian resignation. The sorrow throughout the country is deep and universal. Fifty millions of people stand as mourners by his bier. To-day, at his residence in the city of New York, Chester A. Arthur, Vice-President, took the oath of office as President, to which he succeeds by virtue of the Constitution. President Arthur has entered upon the discharge of his duties. You will formally communicate these facts to the British Government and transmit this dispatch by telegraph to ...
— Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Vol. VIII.: James A. Garfield • James D. Richardson

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