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More "Dia" Quotes from Famous Books

... concludes Ctesias's Account of India with this passage; [Greek: Tauta graphon kai mythologon Ktaesias. legei t' alaethestata graphein; epagon hos ta men autos idon graphei, ta de par auton mathon ton eidoton. polla de touton kai alla thaumasiotera paralipein, dia to mae doxai tois mae tauta theasamenois apista syngraphein;] i.e. These things (saith he) Ctesias writes and feigns, but he himself says all he has wrote is very true. Adding, that some things which he describes, he had seen himself; and the others he had learn'd from those ...
— A Philological Essay Concerning the Pygmies of the Ancients • Edward Tyson

... viudas y a los huerfanos de Kalamba, y quien sabe si a los desterrados maridos! y los manejan los virtuosos frailes solo a titulo de depositarios para devolverlos despues religiosamente con todos sus intereses cuando llegue el dia de rendir cuentas! Quien sabe? Quien mejor que ellos podia encargarse de recoger los pocos haberes mientras las casas ardian, huian las viudas y los huerfanos sin encontrar hospitalidad, pues se habia prohibido darles ...
— Lineage, Life, and Labors of Jose Rizal, Philippine Patriot • Austin Craig

... blushing clouds which float in early morning across the blue heaven, the beautiful Dia gladdened the hearts of all who dwelt in the house of her father Hesioneus. There was no guile in her soft clear eye, for the light of Eos was not more pure than the light of the maiden's countenance. There was no craft in her smile, for on her rested the ...
— Museum of Antiquity - A Description of Ancient Life • L. W. Yaggy

... "Dea dia! (the most mysterious of all the Roman deities) We inform ourselves that Rome has been renamed 'The City of Commodus'—that offices are bought and sold—that there were forty consuls in a year, each ...
— Caesar Dies • Talbot Mundy

... gramin'eus. 39. White-throated Sparrow Zonotrich'ia albicol'lis. 40. Chipping Sparrow Spizel'la socia'lis. 41. Slate-colored Junco Jun'co hiema'lis. 42. Song Sparrow Melospi'za fascia'ta. 43. Towhee Bunting Pip'ilo erythrophthal'mus. 44. Cardinal Cardina'lis cardina'lis. 45. Rose-breasted Grosbeak Zamelo'dia ludovicia'na. 46. Indigo ...
— Citizen Bird • Mabel Osgood Wright and Elliott Coues

... description of this orgy see Theocritus, Idyll xxvi; also for explanations of it, Lang's Myth, Ritual and Religion, vol. ii, pp, 241-260, on Dionysus. The Encyclop[ae]dia Brit., article "Orpheus," says:—"Orpheus, in the manner of his death, was considered to personate the god Dionysus, and was thus representative of the god torn to pieces every year—a ceremony enacted by the Bacchae in the earliest times with ...
— Pagan & Christian Creeds - Their Origin and Meaning • Edward Carpenter

... Procris saw, And Ariadne for her beauty praised, Whose sire was all-wise Minos. Theseus her From Crete toward the fruitful region bore 390 Of sacred Athens, but enjoy'd not there, For, first, she perish'd by Diana's shafts In Dia, Bacchus witnessing her crime.[47] Maera and Clymene I saw beside, And odious Eriphyle, who received The price in gold of her own husband's life. But all the wives of Heroes whom I saw, And all their daughters can I not relate; Night, ...
— The Odyssey of Homer • Homer

... No se que dia de Agosto del ano 1816 llego a las puertas de la Capitania general[1-1] de Granada[1-2] cierto haraposo y grotesco gitano, de sesenta anos de edad, de oficio esquilador y de apellido o sobrenombre Heredia, caballero en flaquisimo y 05 destartalado burro mohino, cuyos arneses ...
— Novelas Cortas • Pedro Antonio de Alarcon

... pobre y el paciente se sienta debil y cansado, y desganado, nada en el mundo es tan bueno como el "Purificador de la Sangre" de Lydia E. Pinkham. Una cucharada tres veces al dia curara el reumatismo, scrofula, erupciones de la ...
— Treatise on the Diseases of Women • Lydia E. Pinkham

... l'arte Ch'in India imparo gia chirurgia, (Che par che questo studio in quella parte Nobile e degno e di gran laude sia; E, senza molto rivoltar di carte, Che 'l patre a i figli ereditario il dia) Si dispose operar con succo d'erbe, Ch'a piu matura ...
— Stories from the Italian Poets: With Lives of the Writers, Vol. 2 • Leigh Hunt

... girls of the farm had been busy in the great portico, filling large baskets with flowers plucked short from branches of apple and cherry, then in spacious bloom, to strew before the quaint images of the gods—Ceres and Bacchus and the yet more mysterious Dea Dia—as they passed through the fields, carried in their little houses on the shoulders of white-clad youths, who were understood to proceed to this office in perfect temperance, as pure in soul and body as the air they breathed ...
— Marius the Epicurean, Volume One • Walter Horatio Pater

... now well represented in the 'Year-Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland'"—(Art. "Societies" in New Edition of "Encyclopdia ...
— A Textbook of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines. • Cornelius Beringer and John Jacob Beringer

... eplaerothae to phaethen dia tou prophaetou Hieremiou legontos] Kai elabon ta triakonta arguria, taen timaen tou tetimaemenou on etimaesanto apo nion Israael, kai edokan auta eis ton argon tou kerameos, ...
— The Gospels in the Second Century - An Examination of the Critical Part of a Work - Entitled 'Supernatural Religion' • William Sanday

... (l. xii. c. 5) confesses the innocence and virtues of Cantacuzenus, the guilt and flagitious vices of Apocaucus; nor does he dissemble the motive of his personal and religious enmity to the former; nun de dia kakian allwn, aitioV o praotatoV thV tvn olwn edoxaV? eioai jqoraV. Note: The alloi were the religious enemies ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 6 • Edward Gibbon

... bad, will set you on the trail. Most of you have or can have an encyclopA|dia at command. There are one-volume encyclopA|dias better than nothing, which are very cheap. You can pick up an edition of the old EncyclopA|dia Americana, in twelve volumes, for ten or twelve dollars. Or you can buy Appleton's, which ...
— How To Do It • Edward Everett Hale

... ignes et lumina dia Fixit in angusto maximus orbe Deus; Ille explorantes radios dedit, et vaga lustra In quibus intuitus lexque, modusque latent. Hos tacitos jactus, lususque, volubilis orbis Pingis in exiguo, magne[57] Poelle, libro, Excursusque situsque ...
— Poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, Volume II • Henry Vaughan

... 2, 7: Entautha Kur Basileia n kai paradeisos megas, agrin thrin plrs, ha ekeinos ethreuen apo hippou, hopote gumnasai bouloito heauton te kai tous hippous. Dia mesou de tou paradeisou rhei ho Maiandros potamos k.t.l. Hell., iv. 1, ...
— Chips from a German Workshop - Volume IV - Essays chiefly on the Science of Language • Max Muller

... generally and grossly mistaken. It is commonly understood as importing that Pilate could have no power to deliver Jesus to the Jews, unless it had been given him by God, which, no doubt, is true; but if that is the meaning, where is the force or connection of the following clause, [Greek: dia touto], "therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin?" In what respect were the Jews more sinful in delivering Jesus up, because Pilate could do nothing except by God's leave? The explanation of Erasmus and Clarke, and some others, ...
— Specimens of the Table Talk of S.T.Coleridge • Coleridge

... Constellation of the Olenian she-goat,[87] and Taygete,[88] and the Hyades,[89] and the Bear, and the quarters of the winds, and the harbors fit for ships. By chance, as I was making for Delos, I touched at the coast of the land of Dia,[90] and came up to the shore by {plying} the oars on the right side; and I gave a nimble leap, and lighted upon the wet sand. When the night was past, and the dawn first began to grow red, I arose and ...
— The Metamorphoses of Ovid - Vol. I, Books I-VII • Publius Ovidius Naso

... de los Gitanos parecera en el numero proximo, y en tal caso ha de ser mas util a V.M. que no hubiera sido ahora. La vida y memoria de las revistas, es muy corta. Salen como miraposas y mueren en un dia. Los muertos y los idos no tienen amigos. Los vivos a la mesa, y los muertos a la huesa. Al istante que esta imprimido un nuevo numero, el pasado y esta olvidado y entra entre las cosas del Rey Wamba. Que le parece a V.M., ultimamente en un baile donde sacaron un Rey de Hubas (twelfth ...
— George Borrow and His Circle - Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of - Borrow And His Friends • Clement King Shorter

... Erota; Sophiae, tropos pateitai; Monon arguron blepousin. Apoloito protos autos Ho ton arguron philaesas. Dia touton ou tokaees, Dai touton ou tokaees; Polemoi, phonoi di auton. To de cheiron, ollymestha Dia touton oi philountes.] ANACREON. [Greek: ODLI ...
— The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D, In Nine Volumes - Volume the Third: The Rambler, Vol. II • Samuel Johnson

... no debe atender mas que las ocupaciones del hogar, que no debe vivir mas que para su esposo e hijos; que tiene bastante trabajo para todo el dia con dirigir al cocinero, limpiar la casa y remendar los vestidos; es la formula que sostienen los partidarios del antiguo regimen. O si no, esta otra: que la mujer no esta por naturaleza llamada a luchar con el hombre ...
— The Woman and the Right to Vote • Rafael Palma

... nacion que un dia Poblara inmensa gente! iLa nacion cuyo imperio se extendia Del ocaso al oriente! (p. 76, ll. 19-22) page lviii iOh tu, que duermes en casto lecho, De sinsabores ajeno el pecho, Y a los encantos de la hermosura Unes las gracias ...
— Modern Spanish Lyrics • Various

... de tarsous] [Greek: Possin echeis diphueis? Hiptam' hupenemios.] [Greek: Cheiri de dexiterei ti phereis xuron? Andrasi deigma] [Greek: Hos akmes pases oxuteros teletho.] [Greek: He de kome, ti kat' opsin? Hupantiasanti labesthai,] [Greek: Ne Dia. Taxopithen pros ti phalakra pelei?] [Greek: Ton gar hapax ptenoisi parathrexanta me possin] [Greek: Ou tis eu' himeiron draxetai exopithen.] [Greek: Tounech' ho technites se dieplasen? Heineken humeon,] [Greek: Xeine, kai en prothurois ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 66, February 1, 1851 • Various

... rect. Constitutions Provincialles, and of Otho aud [Transcriber's Note: and] Octhobone. Redman's edit. 1534, 12mo. On looking into Du Pin's Ecclesiastical History, vol. ix., p. 58, edit. 1699, I find that Hugh of Dia, by the ninth canon in the council of Poictiers, (centy. xi.) ordained "That the sub-deacons, deacons, and priests, shall have no concubine, or any other suspicious women in their houses; and that all those who ...
— Bibliomania; or Book-Madness - A Bibliographical Romance • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... polisht framework of Indian Tusk underlies its cloth empurpled by juice of the dye-shell. This be a figured cloth with forms of manhood primeval 50 Showing by marvel-art the gifts and graces of heroes. Here upon Dia's strand wave-resonant, ever-regarding Theseus borne from sight outside by fleet of the fleetest, Stands Ariadne with heart full-filled with furies unbated, Nor can her sense as yet believe she 'spies the espied, 55 When like one that awakes ...
— The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus

... the disgrace of his family, and feeds it with his Athenian captives. Theseus being one of these, slays the monster: and having escaped from the Labyrinth by the aid of Ariadne, he takes her with him, but deserts her in the isle of Dia, where Bacchus meets with her, and places her crown among the Constellations. Daedalus being unable to escape from the island of Crete, invents wings and flies away; while Icarus, accompanying his father, is drowned. The partridge beholds the father celebrating his ...
— The Metamorphoses of Ovid - Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes - and Explanations • Publius Ovidius Naso

... the papers, each with a little freshly written inscription, and distributes them to the purchasers. Now and then he takes from his pocket a little bottle containing a mixture of the color of wine, and a paper filled with some sort of powder, and, exclaiming, "Ah! tu hai fame e sete. Bisogna che ti dia da bere e mangiare," pours them into ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 5, No. 28, February, 1860 • Various

... however, there were new disturbances and alleged piracies, and Tunku Dia Udin, the Sultan's son-in-law and viceroy, overmatched by powerful Rajahs, gladly welcomed an official, who was sent by Sir A. Clarke, "to remain with the Sultan should he desire it, and, by his presence and advice give him confidence, and assistance to carry out the ...
— The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither • Isabella L. Bird (Mrs. Bishop)

... least appearance of resistance made use of their spears or clubs. To check at once, if possible, these dangerous depredators, Captain Paterson directed a party of the corps to be sent from Parramatta, with instructions to destroy as many as they could meet with of the wood tribe (Be-dia-gal); and, in the hope of striking terror, to erect gibbets in different places, whereon the bodies of all they might kill were to be hung. It was reported, that several of these people were killed in consequence of this order; but none of their ...
— An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 1 • David Collins

... Hae de komae, ti kat' opsin; hupantiasanti labesthai, nae Dia. Taxopithen d' eis ti phalakra pelei; Ton gar apax ptaenoisi parathrexanta me possin outis eth' himeiron ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 27. Saturday, May 4, 1850 • Various

... millas cada hora. A las dos horas despues de media noche parecio la tierra, de la cual estarian dos leguas. Amainaron todas las velas y quedaron con el treo que es la vela grande sin bonetas, y pusierouse a la corda temporizando hasta el dia viernes que llegaron a una isleta de los Lucayos que se llamaba en lengua ...
— Christopher Columbus and His Monument Columbia • Various

... ARCA'DIA, a mountain-girt pastoral tableland in the heart of the Morea, 50 m. long by 40 broad, conceived by the poets as a land of shepherds and shepherdesses, and rustic simplicity and bliss, and was the seat of the worship of ...
— The Nuttall Encyclopaedia - Being a Concise and Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge • Edited by Rev. James Wood

... and other potentates, some letters of Louis XVIII. which he had left behind him on his writing-table in the suddenness of his flight from the Tuileries on the 20th of March, and a number of other letters found in the portfolio of Dia ...
— Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete • Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

... Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham debera tomarse cada 4 horas al dia para cualquiera de ...
— Treatise on the Diseases of Women • Lydia E. Pinkham

... Theseus volunteered to go as one of the victims, and through the assistance of Ariadne, the daughter of Minos, who became enamoured of him, he slew the Minotaur and escaped from the Labyrinth. He then sailed away with Ariadne, whom he deserted in the island of Dia or Naxos, an event which frequently forms the subject of ancient works of art. The sails of the ship Theseus left Athens in were black, but he promised his father, if he returned in safety, to hoist white sails. ...
— Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 • Various

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