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Work   /wərk/   Listen

Activity directed toward making or doing something.
A product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing.  Synonym: piece of work.  "The symphony was hailed as an ingenious work" , "He was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey" , "The work of an active imagination" , "Erosion is the work of wind or water over time"
The occupation for which you are paid.  Synonym: employment.  "A lot of people are out of work"
Applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading).  Synonym: study.  "No schools offer graduate study in interior design"
(physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force.
A place where work is done.  Synonym: workplace.
The total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it).  Synonyms: body of work, oeuvre.  "Picasso's work can be divided into periods"
(past & past part. worked or wrought; pres. part. working)
Exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity.  "She worked hard for better living conditions for the poor"  Antonym: idle.
Be employed.  Synonym: do work.  "My wife never worked" , "Do you want to work after the age of 60?" , "She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money" , "She works as a waitress to put herself through college"
Have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected.  Synonym: act.  "How does your idea work in practice?" , "This method doesn't work" , "The breaks of my new car act quickly" , "The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water"
Perform as expected when applied.  Synonyms: function, go, operate, run.  "Does this old car still run well?" , "This old radio doesn't work anymore"  Antonym: malfunction.
Shape, form, or improve a material.  Synonyms: process, work on.  "Process iron" , "Work the metal"
Give a workout to.  Synonyms: exercise, work out.  "My personal trainer works me hard" , "Work one's muscles" , "This puzzle will exercise your mind"
Proceed along a path.  Synonym: make.  "Make one's way into the forest"
Operate in a certain place, area, or specialty.  "The salesman works the Midwest" , "This artist works mostly in acrylics"
Proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity.  "She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived" , "Start from the bottom and work towards the top"
Move in an agitated manner.
Cause to happen or to occur as a consequence.  Synonyms: bring, make for, play, wreak.  "Wreak havoc" , "Bring comments" , "Play a joke" , "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area"
Cause to work.  Synonym: put to work.
Prepare for crops.  Synonyms: crop, cultivate.  "Cultivate the land"
Behave in a certain way when handled.  "The soft metal works well"
Have and exert influence or effect.  Synonyms: act upon, influence.  "She worked on her friends to support the political candidate"
Operate in or through.
Cause to operate or function.  "Can you work an electric drill?"
Provoke or excite.
Gratify and charm, usually in order to influence.
Make something, usually for a specific function.  Synonyms: forge, form, mold, mould, shape.  "Form cylinders from the dough" , "Shape a figure" , "Work the metal into a sword"
Move into or onto.  "The student worked a few jokes into his presentation" , "Work the body onto the flatbed truck"
Make uniform.  Synonym: knead.  "Work the clay until it is soft"
Use or manipulate to one's advantage.  Synonym: exploit.  "She knows how to work the system" , "He works his parents for sympathy"
Find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of.  Synonyms: figure out, lick, puzzle out, solve, work out.  "Work out your problems with the boss" , "This unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out" , "Did you get it?" , "Did you get my meaning?" , "He could not work the math problem"
Cause to undergo fermentation.  Synonym: ferment.  "The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats"
Go sour or spoil.  Synonyms: ferment, sour, turn.  "The wine worked" , "The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"
Arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion.

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"Work" Quotes from Famous Books

... do a good work!" and, as the punch had inspired him, he walked directly to the Carmelite. The Countess Bonau looked at him for some time seriously, and with flushed cheeks, as he sat down beside her. She was a beautiful girl; yet Philip remained persuaded that Rose was ...
— Stories by Foreign Authors: German • Various

... can't tell you the things I long to say. You're going to be a man, my boy! This is a day's work of which ...
— Ted Marsh on an Important Mission • Elmer Sherwood

... no humbug or braggadocio about Buffalo Bill. He is known far and wide, and his reputation has been earned honestly and by hard work. By a combination of circumstances he was educated to the life of a plainsman from his youth up; and not the least interesting portion of his career is that of his early life, passed as it was in Kansas during the eventful and troubleous times connected with the settlement of that state. ...
— The Life of Hon. William F. Cody - Known as Buffalo Bill The Famous Hunter, Scout and Guide • William F. Cody

... brisk, young and airy, One that's in the Flower of his Youth; That I am surely would gladly sacrifice himself and all he has to serve a Lady in your Circumstances; and I have that compassion for your Suffering that I would gladly lend my helping hand to bring so good a work as that about, that you might reap that Satisfaction which your Youth and Beauty calls for, and which your Husband is too ...
— The London-Bawd: With Her Character and Life - Discovering the Various and Subtle Intrigues of Lewd Women • Anonymous

... was, without doubt, one of the best horsemen in England. There were some who said that, across country, he was the very best, and that, as a judge of a hunter, few excelled him. Of late years he had crept into credit as a betting-man. No one supposed that he had much capital to work with; but still, when he lost a bet he ...
— The Duke's Children • Anthony Trollope

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