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Speaking   /spˈikɪŋ/   Listen

The utterance of intelligible speech.  Synonym: speech production.
Delivering an address to a public audience.  Synonyms: oral presentation, public speaking, speechmaking.
Capable of or involving speech or speaking.  "A speaking part in the play"  Antonym: nonspeaking.


(past spoke, archaic spake; past part. spoken, obs. or colloq. spoke; pres. part. speaking)
Express in speech.  Synonyms: mouth, talk, utter, verbalise, verbalize.  "This depressed patient does not verbalize"
Exchange thoughts; talk with.  Synonym: talk.  "Actions talk louder than words"
Use language.  Synonym: talk.  "The prisoner won't speak" , "They speak a strange dialect"
Give a speech to.  Synonym: address.
Make a characteristic or natural sound.

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"Speaking" Quotes from Famous Books

... As he finished speaking, Gibbs straightened himself in the saddle, and before Mr. Howitt could reply, the dun mule, at a touch of the spur, had dashed away up the road in the direction ...
— The Shepherd of the Hills • Harold Bell Wright

... whose works are now reckoned among the first literature—so much so that they are scarcely read any longer—at the time of which we are speaking were nothing but practical playwrights, and Shakespeare was so far from dreaming that the time would come when his plays would be counted among the most precious treasures of posterity that, as ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1-20 • Various

... stunned pause, and then half a dozen voices speaking together: "Why, man, you must have had ten cents on each of these letters, before they crossed the lines"; and "How can we pay postage?" "He knows we have no money"; "What good will the bits of paper do him at all, at all?" But the man kept on ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 89, March, 1865 • Various

... made an end of speaking, raised his hand to bless, and went forth in silence; and no man stirred in his place, for they knew that the Lord had spoken and ...
— The Gathering of Brother Hilarius • Michael Fairless

... man as an iconoclast and a pagan, and forbade their congregations to join his audiences. But his lecture-halls were always crowded, and the hundreds of faces upturned to him when he arose upon his platform were the faces of eager, breathless, yearning creatures. He was a man speaking to men, not an echo of old creeds. He uttered no threats, he painted no hells, he called aloud to that God in man ...
— In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim • Frances Hodgson Burnett

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