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Precisely   /prɪsˈaɪsli/  /prisˈaɪsli/   Listen

Indicating exactness or preciseness.  Synonyms: exactly, just.  "It was just as he said--the jewel was gone" , "It has just enough salt"
In a precise manner.  Synonyms: exactly, incisively.  Antonyms: inexactly, imprecisely.
Just as it should be.  Synonyms: exactly, on the button, on the dot, on the nose.

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"Precisely" Quotes from Famous Books

... property to Mr Campbell. Money he appeared to care little about—indeed it was useless to him; gunpowder, lead, flints, blankets, and tobacco, were the principal articles requested in the barter; the amount, however, was not precisely settled. An intimacy had been struck up between the old hunter and John; in what manner it was difficult to imagine, as they both were very sparing of their words; but this was certain, that John ...
— The Settlers in Canada • Frederick Marryat

... refinement and beauty in the outer Greek life, which these minor works represent to us; and it is with these, as far as possible, that we must seek to relieve the air of our galleries and museums of their too intellectual greyness. Greek sculpture could not have been precisely a cold thing; and, whatever a colour-blind school may say, pure thoughts have their coldness, a coldness which has sometimes repelled from Greek sculpture, with its unsuspected fund of passion and energy in material form, those who cared much, ...
— Greek Studies: A Series of Essays • Walter Horatio Pater

... Mr. Thorn without trembling. His manner meant so much more than it had any right, or than she had counted upon. He seemed she pressed her hands upon her face to get rid of the impression he seemed to take for granted precisely that which she had refused to admit; he seemed to reckon as paid for that which she had declined to set a price upon. Her uncle's words and manner came up in her memory. She could see nothing best to do but to get home as fast as possible. She had no one here to fall ...
— Queechy, Volume II • Elizabeth Wetherell

... "Precisely," replied the stockman, mechanically taking the bottle from my hand and again applying it to his lips; "ghosts are the fellows—they do every thing without being seen; and why should not the spirit of Gulpin ...
— The Gold Hunter's Adventures - Or, Life in Australia • William H. Thomes

... contradictions in which Celsus was involved by this. But it is of the greatest significance that even this intelligent man could only see philosophy where he saw something precious. The whole of Christianity from its very origin appeared to Celsus (in one respect) precisely as the Gnostic systems appear to us, that is, these really are what Christianity as such seemed to Celsus to be. Besides, it was constantly asserted up to the fifth century that Christ had drawn from Plato's writings. Against those who made this assertion, Ambrosius (according ...
— History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7) • Adolph Harnack

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