Be successful; achieve a goal. Synonyms:bring off, carry off, manage, pull off."I managed to carry the box upstairs" , "She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it" , "The pianist negociated the difficult runs"Antonym:fail.
Sell or discount.
Transfer by endorsement to another in return for value received.
Succeed in passing through, around, or over. Synonym:negotiate.
Confer with another in order to come to terms or reach an agreement.
... left Leghorn, I could observe, that my tour was looked upon by the Italian politicians in a very serious light, as if truly I had a commission from my Court, to negociate a treaty with the Corsicans. The more I disclaimed any such thing, the more they persevered in affirming it; and I was considered as a very close young man. I therefore just allowed them to make a minister of me, ... — Boswell's Correspondence with the Honourable Andrew Erskine, and His Journal of a Tour to Corsica • James Boswell