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Mental illness   /mˈɛntəl ˈɪlnəs/   Listen
Mental illness

Any disease of the mind; the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention.  Synonyms: mental disease, psychopathy.  Antonym: mental health.

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"Mental illness" Quotes from Famous Books

... hoping that Lady Coverly might live out her days in ignorance of the grim secret of the Bell House. This dying wish of his was gratified. The loss of her son, so closely followed by that of her husband, prostrated Lady Coverly in a mental illness from which she never recovered, although I exercised all my skill in an endeavor to restore her reason. She spent the remainder of her days in a semi-comatose state which so closely resembled death that to this present ...
— The Green Eyes of Bast • Sax Rohmer

... as some sort of break in his unutterable loneliness. But nature had helped him more than he had dreamed; and to the pure air, the physical fatigue, and consequent sound sleep was due much of the cure of his mental illness that all who knew him ...
— Reels and Spindles - A Story of Mill Life • Evelyn Raymond

... population. Then I made a searching inquiry into their personal life. Here again I drew a blank. They had no particular financial worries. Their sex life was generally satisfactory. There was no history of mental illness in the family. In fact, the only thing that seemed to be the matter with them was that there were times when they ...
— Disturbing Sun • Robert Shirley Richardson

... could have happened to him. It would have been if his valet had not confessed his trick, and old Temple Barholm had not died. My theory is that he may have left the place days before the accident without being missed. His mental torment caused some mental illness, it does not matter what. He lost his memory and wandered about—the Lord knows how or where he lived; he probably never knew himself. The American picked him up and found that he had money. For reasons of his own, he professed to ...
— T. Tembarom • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... wife's death, and as some sort of break in his unutterable loneliness. But nature had helped him more than he had dreamed; and to the pure air, the physical fatigue, and consequent sound sleep was due much of the cure of his mental illness that all ...
— Reels and Spindles - A Story of Mill Life • Evelyn Raymond

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