"Lead" Quotes from Famous Books
... (compounds with oxygen, the earths) are given the termination -a, like soda, ceria, thoria. So when he sees a name ending in -um let him picture to himself a metal, any metal since they mostly look alike, lead or silver, for example. And when he comes across a name ending in -a he may imagine a white powder like lime. Thorium, for instance, is, as its name implies, a metal named after the thunder god Thor, to whom we dedicate one ... — Creative Chemistry - Descriptive of Recent Achievements in the Chemical Industries • Edwin E. Slosson
... possess. Those who have no arms, let them bring poles, and meanwhile your brothers and myself will make pike-heads for them. Tell them they are called to, action by a Lord from the Archbishop of Treves himself, and that I shall lead them. Tell them they fight for their homes, their wives, and their children. ... — The Strong Arm • Robert Barr
... reputation during the last few decades has been such that almost each year new studies have appeared about him. While the women portrayed in the Comedie humaine are often commented upon, no recent work dealing in detail with the novelist's intimate association with women and which might lead to identifying the possible sources of his feminine characters in ... — Women in the Life of Balzac • Juanita Helm Floyd
... unions lead to permanent marriage I was unable to find out. The gift of reindeer skin is very like the suit of clothing given in betrothal and would furnish material for the parka which the husband presents to his bride. The fact that the privilege ... — The Dance Festivals of the Alaskan Eskimo • Ernest William Hawkes
... heretical. People looked at me, put their hands in their pockets, whistled dubiously, and went slowly away. Oh, it was weary, weary work! The blood was stagnant in the veins of the people and their feet were shod with lead. They walked slowly, spoke with difficulty, stared all day at leaden clouds or pale sunlight, stood at the corners of the village for hours looking into vacuity, and the dear little children became old the moment they left school, and lost the smiles and the sunlight of childhood. ... — My New Curate • P.A. Sheehan