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Late   /leɪt/   Listen

(compar. later, or latter; superl. latest or last)
Being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time.  "Late 18th century" , "A late movie" , "Took a late flight" , "Had a late breakfast"  Antonyms: early, middle.
After the expected or usual time; delayed.  Synonyms: belated, tardy.  "I'm late for the plane" , "The train is late" , "Tardy children are sent to the principal" , "Always tardy in making dental appointments"
Of the immediate past or just previous to the present time.  Synonym: recent.  "Their late quarrel" , "His recent trip to Africa" , "In recent months" , "A recent issue of the journal"
Having died recently.
Of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages.  Antonyms: early, middle.
At or toward an end or late period or stage of development.  Synonym: later.  "A later symptom of the disease" , "Later medical science could have saved the child"  Antonym: early.
(used especially of persons) of the immediate past.  Synonyms: former, previous.  "Our late President is still very active" , "The previous occupant of the White House"
Later than usual or than expected.  Synonyms: belatedly, tardily.  "We awoke late" , "The children came late to school" , "Notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline" , "I belatedly wished her a happy birthday"  Antonym: early.
To an advanced time.  Synonym: deep.  "Talked late into the evening"
At an advanced age or stage.  "Undertook the project late in her career"
In the recent past.  Synonyms: lately, latterly, of late, recently.  "Lately the rules have been enforced" , "As late as yesterday she was fine" , "Feeling better of late" , "The spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"

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"Late" Quotes from Famous Books

... interpretation into the Bible, and turn it loose, let them either give bonds for its behavior, or else stand and draw in self-defence, "lest it turn again and rend" them. If they endorse for it at one point, they must stand sponsors all around the circle. It will be too late to cry for quarter when they find its stroke clearing the whole table, and tilting them among the sweepings beneath. The Bible abounds with such expressions as the following: "This (bread) is my body;" "this (wine) is my ...
— The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus • American Anti-Slavery Society

... short time all returned quietly to their bartering. It seemed that the Stacy Islanders wished to keep all the bartering to themselves. They did not wish the rest to obtain hoop-iron or any other foreign wealth. They are at feud with one party on the mainland, and I suppose in their late contests have been victorious, for they told us with great exultation that they had lately killed and eaten ten of their ...
— Adventures in New Guinea • James Chalmers

... therefore, what we call the inorganic world must be regarded as up to a certain point living, and instinct, within certain limits, with consciousness, volition, and power of concerted action. It is only of late, however, that I have come ...
— Unconscious Memory • Samuel Butler

... Bessie approached, "do run and get the tea ready—there's a good girl. I shan't be through yet for half an hour, for I've the calves to see to; and your father and the boys 'll be in from watering the horses, and if we don't get tea soon they'll be late for church." ...
— Lucy Raymond - Or, The Children's Watchword • Agnes Maule Machar

... have arisen, two alone, Who worthily support his ancient throne: Clergy and knights, who fearless stand, Bulwarks 'gainst every storm, and they Take church and state as their appropriate pay. Through lawless men, the vulgar herd To opposition have of late been stirred; The heretics these are, the wizards, who The city ruin and the country too. With thy bold jests, to this high sphere, Such miscreants wilt smuggle in; Hearts reprobate to you are dear; They to the ...
— The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, • Editor-in-Chief: Kuno Francke

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