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Larger   /lˈɑrdʒər/   Listen

Large or big relative to something else.  Synonym: bigger.


(compar. larger; superl. largest)
Above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent.  Synonym: big.  "Set out for the big city" , "A large sum" , "A big (or large) barn" , "A large family" , "Big businesses" , "A big expenditure" , "A large number of newspapers" , "A big group of scientists" , "Large areas of the world"  Antonyms: little, small.
Fairly large or important in effect; influential.
Ostentatiously lofty in style.  Synonyms: bombastic, declamatory, orotund, tumid, turgid.  "Tumid political prose"
Generous and understanding and tolerant.  Synonyms: big, magnanimous.  "That's very big of you to be so forgiving" , "A large and generous spirit" , "A large heart" , "Magnanimous toward his enemies"
Conspicuous in position or importance.  Synonyms: big, prominent.  "Big man on campus" , "He's very large in financial circles" , "A prominent citizen"
Having broad power and range and scope.  "A large effect" , "A large sympathy"
In an advanced stage of pregnancy.  Synonyms: big, enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, heavy, with child.  "Was great with child"

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"Larger" Quotes from Famous Books

... the governor, he should bring with him about thirty of his principal warriors; and as the young men were fond of attending on such occasions, the whole number might probably be one hundred. The Prophet added, that the governor might expect to see a still larger number than that named ...
— Life of Tecumseh, and of His Brother the Prophet - With a Historical Sketch of the Shawanoe Indians • Benjamin Drake

... than anything else. Meantime, as the most wicked mothers do not kill their offspring from a taste for the practice in the abstract, but under the pressure of want, and as war always brings home want to a larger circle of the people than feel it in peace, we ask the hero of "Maud" to let us know whether war is more likely to reduce or to multiply the horrors which he denounces? Will more babies be poisoned amidst comparative ease and plenty, or when, as before the fall of Napoleon, provisions were ...
— Famous Reviews • Editor: R. Brimley Johnson

... go with it: for, even on the soberest view, it demands an indefinitely long time antecedent to the introduction of organic life upon our earth. A fortiori is physical astronomy a branch of metaphysics, demanding, as it does, still larger "instalments of infinity," as the reviewer calls them, both as to time and number. Moreover, far the greater part of physical inquiries now relate to molecular actions, which, a distinguished natural philosopher informs us, "we have to regard ...
— Darwiniana - Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism • Asa Gray

... this that Smeaton thought it wise to bring his operations for that season to a close. Accordingly, on the 7th November, he visited the Rock, which had been cut into a regular floor of successive terraces or steps, and was considerably larger in circumference than the foundation on which Rudyerd's building had rested. On the 15th the Buss sailed into Plymouth, the men having run out of provisions, and having been unable to do ...
— The Story of the Rock • R.M. Ballantyne

... were mended, for they had put their press under better regulations, and at that time were printing Polybius. He was then asked whether there were better libraries at Oxford or Cambridge. He answered, he believed the Bodleian was larger than any they had at Cambridge; at the same time adding, "I hope, whether we have more books or not than they have at Cambridge, we shall make as good use of them as they do." Being asked whether All-Souls or Christ-Church library was the largest, he answered, "All-Souls library is the largest ...
— Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol. 5 • Various

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