noun 4.(histology) the preservation and hardening of a tissue sample to retain as nearly as possible the same relations they had in the living body. Synonym: fixation.
verb (past & past part. fixed; pres. part. fixing) 2.Cause to be firmly attached. Synonyms: fasten, secure. "She fixed her gaze on the man" Antonym: unfasten. 4.Prepare for eating by applying heat. Synonyms: cook, make, prepare, ready. "Can you make me an omelette?" , "Fix breakfast for the guests, please" 5.Take vengeance on or get even. Synonyms: get, pay back, pay off. "That'll fix him good!" , "This time I got him" 6.Set or place definitely. 7.Kill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic study. 8.Make fixed, stable or stationary. Synonym: fixate. 10.Influence an event or its outcome by illegal means. 11.Put (something somewhere) firmly. Synonyms: deposit, posit, situate. "Deposit the suitcase on the bench" , "Fix your eyes on this spot" 12.Make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc. Synonyms: gear up, prepare, ready, set, set up. "Prepare for war" , "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"
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