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Famished   /fˈæmɪʃt/   Listen

Extremely hungry.  Synonyms: esurient, ravenous, sharp-set, starved.  "A ravenous boy" , "The family was starved and ragged" , "Fell into the esurient embrance of a predatory enemy"


(past & past part. famished; pres. part. famishing)
Be hungry; go without food.  Synonyms: hunger, starve.  Antonym: be full.
Deprive of food.  Synonym: starve.  Antonym: feed.
Die of food deprivation.  Synonym: starve.  "Many famished in the countryside during the drought"

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"Famished" Quotes from Famous Books

... uncommon courage, ability, and moderation. The duke de Vendome did not despair of obliging the confederates to abandon their enterprise: the French ministers at Rome and Venice publicly declared the allied army was cooped up in such a manner, that it must either raise the siege or be famished. The elector of Bavaria, with a detachment of ten thousand men, marched to Brussels, and attacked the counterscarp with incredible fury; but was repulsed by the garrison, under the command of general Paschal, and retired ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.II. - From William and Mary to George II. • Tobias Smollett

... in addition to being starved, there was every possibility of our being reduced to nakedness. This was no pleasant prospect, running out of tropical latitudes towards England, in the month of January. In the course of six weeks, such a ragged, woebegone, gaunt, and famished gang of reefers was never before huddled together in one of his Majesty's vessels of war. The shifts we were obliged to have recourse to were quite amusing, to all but the shiftmakers. The only good hat, and wearable uniform coat, went round ...
— Rattlin the Reefer • Edward Howard

... for the famished man to resist the good and tempting food as it would have been impossible for a needle to resist the influence of a powerful magnet. He grasped the bread, thrust the knife into his wretched shirt, and, tearing the bread in fragments, began to stuff it into his mouth. For a couple of minutes there ...
— Light O' The Morning • L. T. Meade

... oven was built in collecting fuel. Branches were cut all round the glade, and they picked up all the fallen wood under the trees. They were also able to hunt with greater success, since Pencroft now possessed some dozen arrows armed with sharp points. It was Top who had famished these points, by bringing in a porcupine, rather inferior eating, but of great value, thanks to the quills with which it bristled. These quills were fixed firmly at the ends of the arrows, the flight of which was made more certain by some cockatoos' ...
— The Mysterious Island • Jules Verne

... tenderness, and even to playfulness, with an ease and grace almost exclusively his own; and connects extensive views of the happiness and interests of society with pictures of life that touch the heart by their familiarity. He is no disciple of the gaunt and famished school of simplicity. He uses the ornaments which must always distinguish true poetry from prose; and when he adopts colloquial plainness, it is with the utmost skill to avoid a vulgar humility. There is more of this sustained ...
— The Illustrated London Reading Book • Various

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