"Creditor" Quotes from Famous Books
... abstinence, and cunning of the other, as slight. With the credit functions entirely in the hands of the state, the improvident man would be able to obtain credit upon the same securities as from a private creditor, without extortion. Society would further secure itself against the weakness and failure of the improvident by insuring all its members against sickness, ... — Socialism - A Summary and Interpretation of Socialist Principles • John Spargo
... became less productive, debts accumulated. Being forced to raise money, he had borrowed a thousand dollars of Esquire Harrington, giving him a mortgage on his home for security. But as the interest was regularly paid, his creditor was well satisfied. However, Mr. Harrington died suddenly, and his son, a merciless, grasping man, wrote Mr. Randal, demanding ... — Tiger and Tom and Other Stories for Boys • Various
... Condesa; I consent to that. But only on the condition that the gentlemen get safe off. Till we're sure of that, I beg your ladyship won't look upon me as a creditor." ... — The Free Lances - A Romance of the Mexican Valley • Mayne Reid
... literis was a written acknowledgment of debt, chiefly employed when money was borrowed; but the creditor could not sue upon a note within two years from its date, without being called upon also to prove that the money was in fact paid ... — Beacon Lights of History, Volume III • John Lord
... Viscount de R—-, and at the present moment she holds in holy horror all suitors. She is accompanying me to Saint Moritz in order to gather flowers and paint aquarelle sketches of them. Should you presume to interrupt her in her favourite occupations, should you present yourself before her like a creditor on the day of maturity, I swear to you that your note would be protested, and that you would have nothing better to do than return ... — Samuel Brohl & Company • Victor Cherbuliez