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Colored   /kˈələrd/   Listen

Having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination.  Synonyms: colorful, coloured.  "The film was in color" , "Amber-colored heads of grain"  Antonym: uncolored.
Having skin rich in melanin pigments.  Synonyms: coloured, dark, dark-skinned, non-white.  "Dark-skinned peoples"
Favoring one person or side over another.  Synonyms: biased, coloured, one-sided, slanted.  "A decision that was partial to the defendant"
(used of color) artificially produced; not natural.  Synonyms: bleached, coloured, dyed.
A United States term for Blacks that is now considered offensive.  Synonym: colored person.


(past & past part. colored; pres. part. coloring)
Add color to.  Synonyms: color in, colorise, colorize, colour, colour in, colourise, colourize.  "Fall colored the trees" , "Colorize black and white film"  Antonym: discolor.
Affect as in thought or feeling.  Synonyms: colour, distort, tinge.  "The sadness tinged his life"
Modify or bias.  Synonym: colour.
Decorate with colors.  Synonyms: colour, emblazon.
Give a deceptive explanation or excuse for.  Synonyms: colour, gloss.
Change color, often in an undesired manner.  Synonyms: colour, discolor, discolour.

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"Colored" Quotes from Famous Books

... Dustbins,—'Popular Delusion,' as old Samuel defines it, having since awakened to itself, with scornful ha-ha's upon its poor Gottsched, and rushed into other roads worse and better; its poor Gottsched become a name now signifying Pedantry, Stupidity, learned Inanity and the Worship of Colored ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XVIII. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great--Seven-Years War Rises to a Height.--1757-1759. • Thomas Carlyle

... grassy spaces, amidst which a number of conspicuous notice-boards appealed to the eye and cut up the distant sea horizon. Most of these referred to comestibles or to remedies to follow the comestibles; and they were colored with a view to be memorable rather than beautiful, to "stand out" amidst the gentle grayish tones of the east coast scenery. The greater number, I may remark, of the advertisements that were so conspicuous a factor in the ...
— In the Days of the Comet • H. G. Wells

... over to play with the little kittens. The marmalade-colored one is the strongest of the litter, and he's learned to climb out of the box. He chases my fingers. Kate finishes feeding the big cats, and she strides over and scoops him back into the box. "You stay in there. You'll get stepped on." She drops ...
— It's like this, cat • Emily Neville

... Betty seemed startled, even hurt. She colored deeply and her eyes darkened. Then the flush of surprise and the wounded feeling died. She looked at him blankly and asked how soon it would be possible for him to replace her. She would leave as soon as ...
— The Sturdy Oak - A Composite Novel of American Politics by Fourteen American Authors • Samuel Merwin, et al.

... see!" Allison emphasized his comprehension. "Not that it was anything of vital importance. I just wanted a short conference with you, yourself, that was all. Elliott's own reports on the work are so tinged with his eternal optimism, so colored by what you aptly termed his romantic zest for the game, that I wanted your own opinion concerning the possibility of the East Coast Company finishing that railroad in time to fulfil their contracts. No hurry about it; but that's my house over ...
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