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Self-asserting   /sɛlf-əsˈərtɪŋ/   Listen
Self-asserting  adj.  Asserting one's self, or one's own rights or claims; hence, putting one's self forward in a confident or assuming manner.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Self-asserting" Quotes from Famous Books

... every sentence a curious shifting of emphasis. America, with the true instinct of democracy, is determined to give all parts of speech an equal chance. The modest pronoun is not to be outdone by the blustering substantive or the self-asserting verb. And so it is that the native American hangs upon the little words: he does not clip and slur "the smaller parts of speech," and what his tongue loses in colour it ...
— American Sketches - 1908 • Charles Whibley

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