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At sea   /æt si/   Listen
Sea  n.  
One of the larger bodies of salt water, less than an ocean, found on the earth's surface; a body of salt water of second rank, generally forming part of, or connecting with, an ocean or a larger sea; as, the Mediterranean Sea; the Sea of Marmora; the North Sea; the Carribean Sea.
An inland body of water, esp. if large or if salt or brackish; as, the Caspian Sea; the Sea of Aral; sometimes, a small fresh-water lake; as, the Sea of Galilee.
The ocean; the whole body of the salt water which covers a large part of the globe. "I marvel how the fishes live in the sea." "Ambiguous between sea and land The river horse and scaly crocodile."
The swell of the ocean or other body of water in a high wind; motion or agitation of the water's surface; also, a single wave; a billow; as, there was a high sea after the storm; the vessel shipped a sea.
(Jewish Antiq.) A great brazen laver in the temple at Jerusalem; so called from its size. "He made a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim, round in compass, and five cubits the height thereof."
Fig.: Anything resembling the sea in vastness; as, a sea of glory. "All the space... was one sea of heads." Note: Sea is often used in the composition of words of obvious signification; as, sea-bathed, sea-beaten, sea-bound, sea-bred, sea-circled, sealike, sea-nursed, sea-tossed, sea-walled, sea-worn, and the like. It is also used either adjectively or in combination with substantives; as, sea bird, sea-bird, or seabird, sea acorn, or sea-acorn.
At sea, upon the ocean; away from land; figuratively, without landmarks for guidance; lost; at the mercy of circumstances. "To say the old man was at sea would be too feeble an expression."
At full sea at the height of flood tide; hence, at the height. "But now God's mercy was at full sea."
Beyond seas, or Beyond the sea or Beyond the seas (Law), out of the state, territory, realm, or country.
Half seas over, half drunk. (Colloq.)
Heavy sea, a sea in which the waves run high.
Long sea, a sea characterized by the uniform and steady motion of long and extensive waves.
Short sea, a sea in which the waves are short, broken, and irregular, so as to produce a tumbling or jerking motion.
To go to sea, to adopt the calling or occupation of a sailor.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"At sea" Quotes from Famous Books

... wreckage is thrown upon the beach, and you wonder what dire disaster happened far out at sea, and if the rest of the ship went to the bottom with all on board. But take it home, let it dry in the sun, then place it on your open grate fire, and as you watch the iridescent blaze curl up the chimney, dream dreams, and weave strange ...
— Byways Around San Francisco Bay • William E. Hutchinson

... nothing less. There was hardly a man who joined in that psalm, but knew that he carried his life in his hand from year to year, that any day might see him a corpse—drowned at sea. Hardly a woman who sang that psalm but had lost a husband, a father, a brother, a kinsman—drowned at sea. And yet they believed that God preserved them. They were fishers and sailors, earning an uncertain livelihood, on a wild and rocky coast. A ...
— Westminster Sermons - with a Preface • Charles Kingsley

... and bully, strode into the room, his sword clanking. O'Shaughnessy arose and respectfully drew him aside, offering him a "gasper". They were joined by a lean hawk-faced individual answering to the name of Fish, who said he had been in the American navy until buried alive at sea for smiling ...
— Snake and Sword - A Novel • Percival Christopher Wren

... association with the spirit of war. As they swung through the gates a virtual wonderland of the machinery of sea battles greeted their eyes—powerful battleships, lithe and speedy cruisers, spider-like destroyers, tremendous colliers capable of carrying thousands of tons of coal to the fleets at sea, and in the distance a transport, waiting to take on its human freight of Uncle Sam's ...
— The Brighton Boys in the Radio Service • James R. Driscoll

... attention from outside, shed a dim light over my ghostlike companions clad in their night-dresses. The younger ladies were almost hysterical, and all looked as if they had passed through a fearful storm at sea, as various experiences were recounted. The house had been ransacked from garret to cellar, and what could not be devoured or carried off was scattered about, and such things as sugar, vinegar, flour, salt, etc., ...
— The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson • Edward A. Moore

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