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Saying   /sˈeɪɪŋ/   Listen
Say  v. t.  (past & past part. said; pres. part. saying)  
To utter or express in words; to tell; to speak; to declare; as, he said many wise things. "Arise, and say how thou camest here."
To repeat; to rehearse; to recite; to pronounce; as, to say a lesson. "Of my instruction hast thou nothing bated In what thou hadst to say?" "After which shall be said or sung the following hymn."
To announce as a decision or opinion; to state positively; to assert; hence, to form an opinion upon; to be sure about; to be determined in mind as to. "But what it is, hard is to say."
To mention or suggest as an estimate, hypothesis, or approximation; hence, to suppose; in the imperative, followed sometimes by the subjunctive; as, he had, say fifty thousand dollars; the fox had run, say ten miles. "Say, for nonpayment that the debt should double, Is twenty hundred kisses such a trouble?"
It is said, or They say, it is commonly reported; it is rumored; people assert or maintain.
That is to say, that is; in other words; otherwise.

Say  v. i.  (past & past part. said; pres. part. saying)  To speak; to express an opinion; to make answer; to reply. "You have said; but whether wisely or no, let the forest judge." "To this argument we shall soon have said; for what concerns it us to hear a husband divulge his household privacies?"

Saying  n.  That which is said; a declaration; a statement, especially a proverbial one; an aphorism; a proverb. "Many are the sayings of the wise, In ancient and in modern books enrolled."
Synonyms: Declaration; speech; adage; maxim; aphorism; apothegm; saw; proverb; byword.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Saying" Quotes from Famous Books

... company grew every day more difficult, and he thought as he stood by the stone pillar at the corner that he would on the whole be glad if she did not come. He was egregiously mistaken in himself, however. As the minutes passed he grew uneasy, and watched the advancing carriages with a feverish anxiety, saying to himself that every one must bring Corona, and actually growing pale with emotion as each vehicle turned the distant corner and came into view. The time seemed interminable after he had once yielded to the excitement, and before another quarter of an hour had elapsed, Sant' ...
— Sant' Ilario • F. Marion Crawford

... can hope for in America now is to have a body—to find some way to express ourselves in our daily workaday actions without saying a word—express ourselves so plainly that without saying a word our President, our Politicians—even the kind of men who seem to put up naturally with having to be in the Senate—the kind of men who can feel happy and in their element in a place like Congress will see what the People—the real ...
— The Ghost in the White House • Gerald Stanley Lee

... John Wordsworth, late Fellow of Brasenose College, for his patient perusal of these sheets as they have passed through the press, and for favouring me with several judicious suggestions. To him may be applied the saying of President Routh on receiving a visit from Bishop Wordsworth at his lodgings,—"I see the learned son of a learned Father, sir!"—Let me be permitted to add that my friend inherits the Bishop's fine taste and accurate ...
— The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark • John Burgon

... the dim light of the red lantern, and the deathlike quiet, he saw that face—with the cut and the thick, disordered hair, and the big, tight-set mouth. "You can see yourself it wouldn't do for anybody to know," he fancied the lips saying. "If you told, it would ...
— Tom Slade with the Colors • Percy K. Fitzhugh

... unfortunate child the water was up to her waist, and she was wringing her little helpless hands, and saying, "Now I lay me down ...
— Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple • Sophie May

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