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Save   /seɪv/   Listen
Save  v. t.  (past & past part. saved; pres. part. saving)  
To make safe; to procure the safety of; to preserve from injury, destruction, or evil of any kind; to rescue from impending danger; as, to save a house from the flames. "God save all this fair company." "He cried, saying, Lord, save me." "Thou hast... quitted all to save A world from utter loss."
(Theol.) Specifically, to deliver from sin and its penalty; to rescue from a state of condemnation and spiritual death, and bring into a state of spiritual life. "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
To keep from being spent or lost; to secure from waste or expenditure; to lay up; to reserve. "Now save a nation, and now save a groat."
To rescue from something undesirable or hurtful; to prevent from doing something; to spare. "I'll save you That labor, sir. All's now done."
To hinder from doing, suffering, or happening; to obviate the necessity of; to prevent; to spare. "Will you not speak to save a lady's blush?"
To hold possession or use of; to escape loss of. "Just saving the tide, and putting in a stock of merit."
To save appearances, to preserve a decent outside; to avoid exposure of a discreditable state of things.
Synonyms: To preserve; rescue; deliver; protect; spare; reserve; prevent.

Save  v. i.  To avoid unnecessary expense or expenditure; to prevent waste; to be economical. "Brass ordnance saveth in the quantity of the material."

Save  prep., conj.  Except; excepting; not including; leaving out; deducting; reserving; saving. "Five times received I forty stripes save one."
Synonyms: See Except.

Save  n.  The herb sage, or salvia. (Obs.)

Save  conj.  Except; unless.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Save" Quotes from Famous Books

... For that purpose they equipped a patache before leaving Macao, while another patache was despatched from Manila to join them. During the eight months while the voyage lasted, those four boats scoured all the places where the Dutch are accustomed to go, without omitting any save to enter Jacatra [51] itself. They went first to the island of Aynao [i.e., Hainan], which has four cities, and is the pearl fishery of Great China. Then they skirted the coast of Cochinchina, where the king sent to request them, through a Spaniard who was there and the superior of the mission ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898: Volume XXII, 1625-29 • Various

... Matilda; "but I don't care what we have. I'll have bread and butter and cold coffee, Maria; let us save the coffee. ...
— Opportunities • Susan Warner

... some of the seed to be offered in the four corners of the field as sacrifice, they are accustomed to repeat some mutilated Catholic prayers, which they appear to consider as efficacious as their old heathenish ones. Some have their children baptized as well, as it costs nothing; but, save in these respects, they perform no other Christian or civil obligations. They are very peaceable, neither making war with one another, nor having poisoned arrows. Instances of Cimarronese, who ...
— The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes • Fedor Jagor; Tomas de Comyn; Chas. Wilkes; Rudolf Virchow.

... employed it. The Pontiff could not be expected to act as if he were two distinct persons. Nor whilst his ministers waged war, could he, whose representatives they were, be considered as neutral. For a few months that this ministry remained in office, the Pope continued to save his States by resisting the war-cry in opposition to their wishes. They were constantly at variance with him on this one great topic. His repugnance to war they could neither comprehend nor overcome. Popular demonstrations ...
— Pius IX. And His Time • The Rev. AEneas MacDonell

... soldiers are not to leave the trenches under any circumstances.[19] At times only an attack can repulse and prevent the advance of the enemy. At times awaiting an attack means patiently waiting for death. Again, only the change to an advance may save you or your brothers, on other sections of ...
— Bolshevism - The Enemy of Political and Industrial Democracy • John Spargo

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