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Retroversion   Listen
Retroversion  n.  A turning or bending backward; also, the state of being turned or bent backward; displacement backwards; as, retroversion of the uterus. Note: In retroversion the bending is gradual or curved; in retroflexion it is abrupt or angular.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Retroversion" Quotes from Famous Books

... things are create of four, And all again dissolved into the four, How can the four be called the primal germs Of things, more than all things themselves be thought, By retroversion, primal germs of them? For ever alternately are both begot, With interchange of nature and aspect From immemorial time. But if percase Thou think'st the frame of fire and earth, the air, The dew of water can in such wise meet As not by mingling to resign their nature, From them ...
— Of The Nature of Things • [Titus Lucretius Carus] Lucretius

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