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Proof   /pruf/   Listen
Proof  n.  
Any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth; an act of testing; a test; a trial. "For whatsoever mother wit or art Could work, he put in proof." "You shall have many proofs to show your skill." "Formerly, a very rude mode of ascertaining the strength of spirits was practiced, called the proof."
That degree of evidence which convinces the mind of any truth or fact, and produces belief; a test by facts or arguments that induce, or tend to induce, certainty of the judgment; conclusive evidence; demonstration. "I'll have some proof." "It is no proof of a man's understanding to be able to confirm whatever he pleases." Note: Properly speaking, proof is the effect or result of evidence, evidence is the medium of proof. Cf. Demonstration, 1.
The quality or state of having been proved or tried; firmness or hardness that resists impression, or does not yield to force; impenetrability of physical bodies.
Firmness of mind; stability not to be shaken.
(Print.) A trial impression, as from type, taken for correction or examination; called also proof sheet.
(Math.) A process for testing the accuracy of an operation performed. Cf. Prove, v. t., 5.
Armor of excellent or tried quality, and deemed impenetrable; properly, armor of proof. (Obs.)
Artist's proof, a very early proof impression of an engraving, or the like; often distinguished by the artist's signature.
Proof reader, one who reads, and marks correction in, proofs. See def. 5, above.
Synonyms: Testimony; evidence; reason; argument; trial; demonstration. See Testimony.

Proof  adj.  
Used in proving or testing; as, a proof load, or proof charge.
Firm or successful in resisting; as, proof against harm; waterproof; bombproof. "I... have found thee Proof against all temptation." "This was a good, stout proof article of faith."
Being of a certain standard as to strength; said of alcoholic liquors.
Proof charge (Firearms), a charge of powder and ball, greater than the service charge, fired in an arm, as a gun or cannon, to test its strength.
Proof impression. See under Impression.
Proof load (Engin.), the greatest load than can be applied to a piece, as a beam, column, etc., without straining the piece beyond the elastic limit.
Proof sheet. See Proof, n., 5.
Proof spirit (Chem.), a strong distilled liquor, or mixture of alcohol and water, containing not less than a standard amount of alcohol. In the United States "proof spirit is defined by law to be that mixture of alcohol and water which contains one half of its volume of alcohol, the alcohol when at a temperature of 60° Fahrenheit being of specific gravity 0.7939 referred to water at its maximum density as unity. Proof spirit has at 60° Fahrenheit a specific gravity of 0.93353, 100 parts by volume of the same consisting of 50 parts of absolute alcohol and 53.71 parts of water," the apparent excess of water being due to contraction of the liquids on mixture. In England proof spirit is defined by Act 58, George III., to be such as shall at a temperature of 51° Fahrenheit weigh exactly the 12/13 part of an equal measure of distilled water. This contains 49.3 per cent by weight, or 57.09 by volume, of alcohol. Stronger spirits, as those of about 60, 70, and 80 per cent of alcohol, are sometimes called second, third, and fourth proof spirits respectively.
Proof staff, a straight-edge used by millers to test the flatness of a stone.
Proof stick (Sugar Manuf.), a rod in the side of a vacuum pan, for testing the consistency of the sirup.
Proof text, a passage of Scripture used to prove a doctrine.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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... can't start west till the snows melt. You need not think anything more about the money. You tell me what you crushed is a fair sample of that five hundred pounds, and that is quite good enough for me, and the gravel being so rich is another proof of what the lode was when the stream cut through it. I can put the twenty-five thousand dollars down, and there are plenty of men here who will take my word for the affair and plank their money ...
— In The Heart Of The Rockies • G. A. Henty

... ready for "argument." One attorney on each side addresses the jury. Each tries to show that the evidence adduced has proved the facts alleged in his pleadings, and each asks for a decision in favor of his client. Usually the side upon which rests the burden of proof has ...
— Studies in Civics • James T. McCleary

... his victim dies, the legal authority of his country will pronounce to be manslaughter. I will endeavour, however, first to ascertain how far he is sensible of his fault by showing him its consequence. Should he give no proof of penitence I must resort to severer measures. I purpose to take all the children with me to-morrow morning to Old Moggy's hut, and I trust that the sight William will there witness will prove, as it must if his ...
— Mountain Moggy - The Stoning of the Witch • William H. G. Kingston

... rich men at the beginning of this century he ate and drank a good deal more than was enough to keep him in health. Even his excellent constitution was not proof against a prolonged course of overfeeding and what we should now consider overdrinking. His liver would not unfrequently get out of order, and he would come down to breakfast looking yellow about ...
— The Way of All Flesh • Samuel Butler

... not a moment in providing for his departure with the first good wind, in his vessel, the Alliance, and he will give the signal for departure to the others, which will follow him if they can. He thinks he cannot give a stronger proof of his respect for the resolution of their High Mightinesses. Thus the threats of the Vice-Admiral are superfluous and against the very terms of this resolution of their High Mightinesses. He cannot go on board ...
— The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. IX • Various

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