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Plough   /plaʊ/  /ploʊ/   Listen
Plough  n., v.  See Plow.

Plough, Plow  n.  
A well-known implement, drawn by horses, mules, oxen, or other power, for turning up the soil to prepare it for bearing crops; also used to furrow or break up the soil for other purposes; as, the subsoil plow; the draining plow. "Where fern succeeds ungrateful to the plow."
Fig.: Agriculture; husbandry.
A carucate of land; a plowland. (Obs.) (Eng.) "Johan, mine eldest son, shall have plowes five."
A joiner's plane for making grooves; a grooving plane.
(Bookbinding) An implement for trimming or shaving off the edges of books.
(Astron.) Same as Charles's Wain.
Ice plow, a plow used for cutting ice on rivers, ponds, etc., into cakes suitable for storing. (U. S.)
Mackerel plow. See under Mackerel.
Plow alms, a penny formerly paid by every plowland to the church.
Plow beam, that part of the frame of a plow to which the draught is applied. See Beam, n., 9.
Plow Monday, the Monday after Twelth Day, or the end of Christmas holidays.
Plow staff.
A kind of long-handled spade or paddle for cleaning the plowshare; a paddle staff.
A plow handle.
Snow plow, a structure, usually lambda-shaped, for removing snow from sidewalks, railroads, etc., drawn or driven by a horse or a locomotive.

Plough, Plow  v. t.  (past & past part. plowed or ploughed; pres. part. plowing or ploughing)  
To turn up, break up, or trench, with a plow; to till with, or as with, a plow; as, to plow the ground; to plow a field.
To furrow; to make furrows, grooves, or ridges in; to run through, as in sailing. "Let patient Octavia plow thy visage up With her prepared nails." "With speed we plow the watery way."
(Bookbinding) To trim, or shave off the edges of, as a book or paper, with a plow. See Plow, n., 5.
(Joinery) To cut a groove in, as in a plank, or the edge of a board; especially, a rectangular groove to receive the end of a shelf or tread, the edge of a panel, a tongue, etc.
To plow in, to cover by plowing; as, to plow in wheat.
To plow up, to turn out of the ground by plowing.

Plough, Plow  v. i.  To labor with, or as with, a plow; to till or turn up the soil with a plow; to prepare the soil or bed for anything. "Doth the plowman plow all day to sow?"

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Plough" Quotes from Famous Books

... were harnessed to the plough, and driven to the hollow. Patrick was instructed how to proceed. He put the reins round his neck, and took firm hold of the handles. "Go on wid ye, now!" he cried to the horses. A furrow was soon turned, and the fish-pond ...
— Happy Days for Boys and Girls • Various

... last Sunday: 'No man having put his hand to the plough,' etc., etc., etc. It certainly is rather hard to be pelted with, one's own sermons, but it would never do to turn your back upon this benevolent furrow. Come, pluck up courage, ...
— Infelice • Augusta Jane Evans Wilson

... archdeacon may with his bishop's permission resign his arch-deaconry or parish, and accept a simple prebend without cure, which would be nowise lawful, if he were in the state of perfection; for "no man putting his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:62). On the other hand bishops, since they are in the state of perfection, cannot abandon the episcopal cure, save by the authority of the Sovereign Pontiff (to whom alone it belongs also to dispense ...
— Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) • Thomas Aquinas

... strength exhausted, bending beneath the weight of misery, without shoes, without bread, without clothing, without a shirt, consumed by fever, devoured by vermin, poor artisans torn from their workshops, poor husbandmen forcibly taken from the plough, weeping for a wife, a mother, children, a family widowed or orphaned, also without bread and perhaps without shelter, overdone, ill, dying, despairing,—some of these wretched beings succumb, and consent to "ask for pardon!" Then a letter ...
— Napoleon the Little • Victor Hugo

... shoulders, they crossed the peninsula, which separated the bay from the lake, through an Indian trail about thirty miles in length. They then launched their canoe upon the broad surface of Lake Michigan. The cold gales of November had now begun to plough the surface of this inland sea. Their progress was very slow. Often the billows were such that the canoe could not ride safely over them. Then they landed, and, in the chill November breezes, trudged along the shore, bearing all ...
— The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions, in Their Explorations of the Prairies, Forests, Lakes, and Rivers, of the New World, and Their Interviews with the Savage Tribes, Two Hu • John S. C. Abbott

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