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Plait   /pleɪt/   Listen
Plait  n.  
A flat fold; a doubling, as of cloth; a pleat; as, a box plait. "The plaits and foldings of the drapery."
A braid, as of hair or straw; a plat.
Polish plait. (Med.) Same as Plica.

Plait  v. t.  (past & past part. plaited; pres. part. plaiting)  
To fold; to double in narrow folds; to pleat; as, to plait a ruffle.
To interweave the strands or locks of; to braid; to plat; as, to plait hair; to plait rope.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Plait" Quotes from Famous Books

... loved her; she was such a good girl. Always perfect in her lessons, she was so modest that she recited in a noticeable tremor, and had to be told frequently to raise her voice. Florence wore her light brown hair brushed flatly back and braided in a single plait, at a time when pompadours were six inches high and braids hung in pairs. Florence had a pocket in her dress for her handkerchief, in a day when pockets were repugnant to fashion. All these things ought to have made me feel the kinship of humble circumstances, the comradeship of intellectual ...
— The Promised Land • Mary Antin

... "I am going to plait it into a braid for the ring," I said. "I think that I can file the ends, and make it serve. It is all I have. I wear no jewelry, and would not give you one of the brass rings we use in trade. This ...
— Montlivet • Alice Prescott Smith

... family, which inhabits the country southeast of Angola, and speak the Bunda dialect, which is of the same family of languages with the Barotse, Bayeiye, etc., or those black tribes comprehended under the general term Makalaka. They plait their hair in three-fold cords, and lay them carefully down around the sides of the head. They are quite as dark as the Barotse, but have among them a number of half-castes, with their peculiar yellow sickly hue. On inquiring why they had fled on my approach to Linyanti, they let me ...
— Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Journeys and Researches in South Africa • David Livingstone

... "finishing off" was carried on for weeks. When her baby was asleep, or was good, or had its little ruffles all fluted, and its little sister's little ruffles were all fluted, then would she seize the opportunity to stitch, to plait, to flounce, to pucker, and to braid. Wherever a hand's breadth of the original material was left visible, some bow, or band, or queer device, was fashioned and sewed on. This zealous individual, by improving every moment, by sitting up ...
— A Domestic Problem • Abby Morton Diaz

... baby carriage like the real mothers. But, of course, you had to outgrow the carriage; you had to outgrow the ugly little dresses father and I used to select for you at the department stores in Hilton; you had to outgrow the two little braids I used to plait for you each morning when you were big enough to go to school; you had to outgrow me, too. I ...
— The Fifth Wheel - A Novel • Olive Higgins Prouty

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