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Paleness   Listen
Paleness  n.  The quality or condition of being pale; want of freshness or ruddiness; a sickly whiteness; lack of color or luster; wanness. "The blood the virgin's cheek forsook; A livid paleness spreads o'er all her look."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Paleness" Quotes from Famous Books

... words I narrated my adventure, to which he listened quietly, holding his wounded hand, bound up in a handkerchief, in the other meanwhile; and when I had finished, he glanced at the prostrate figure on the sofa and said, noticing the ghastly paleness of the upturned face, and the lifelessness of ...
— The Pirate Slaver - A Story of the West African Coast • Harry Collingwood

... her namesake of Alexandria. The words had slipped from her involuntarily in the spiritual tension of her mood. They were now filling Robert Elsmere's mind with a tormenting, torturing bliss. What could they mean? What had her paleness, her evident trouble and weakness meant, but that the inmost self of hers was his, was conquered; and that, but for the shadowy obstacle between them, all would ...
— Robert Elsmere • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... Hear me, and mark me well, and look upon me Directly in my face—my woman's face— See if one fear, one shadow of a terror, One paleness dare appear, but from my anger, To lay hold ...
— Rob Roy, Complete, Illustrated • Sir Walter Scott

... not a very roomy one, he shut the door upon them sharply. "I will walk," he said. "I am not needed. Right, Jarvis, as fast as you can go." He stood by to see them dash off, Lady Markland giving him a surprised yet half-relieved look, in the paleness of her anxiety and misery. Then it suddenly became apparent to him that he had done what was best and most delicate, though without meaning it, out of the sudden annoyance which had risen within him. It was the best thing he could ...
— A Country Gentleman and his Family • Mrs. (Margaret) Oliphant

... Edwards, in a voice of horror, and with a face that should have been again averted to conceal its paleness; and how much did they discover? What ...
— The Pioneers • James Fenimore Cooper

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