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Overturned   /ˈoʊvərtˌərnd/   Listen
Overturn  v. t.  (past & past part. overturned; pres. part. overturning)  
To turn or throw from a basis, foundation, or position; to overset; as, to overturn a carriage or a building.
To subvert; to destroy; to overthrow.
To overpower; to conquer.
Synonyms: To demolish; overthrow. See Demolish.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Overturned" Quotes from Famous Books

... that are nothing but beliefs; and Faith succumbs to reasoning. For the two Columns of the Temple to uphold the edifice, they must remain separated and be parallel to each other. As soon as it is attempted by violence to bring them together, as Samson did, they are overturned, and the whole edifice falls upon the head of the rash blind man or the revolutionist whose personal or national resentments have in advance ...
— Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry • Albert Pike

... without a sound he sped across the street, vaulted the iron fence and charged into the middle of the excitement with ready fists. The man who had Stiles down was nearest and Phil paused long enough to send him reeling with a well-directed blow on the side of the head. He leaped the overturned bench, and made for the girl's attacker, who promptly took to ...
— Every Man for Himself • Hopkins Moorhouse

... will come when the Polar ice shall have accumulated, till it forms vast continents many thousands of feet above the level of the sea, all of solid ice. The weight of this mass will, it is believed, cause the world to topple over on its axis, so that the earth will be upset as an ant-heap overturned by a ploughshare. In that day time icebergs will come crunching against our proudest cities, razing them from off the face of the earth as though they were made of rotten blotting-paper. There is no respect ...
— Life and Habit • Samuel Butler

... long after nine when we got there, and my first act was to look around the deserted house. What a scene of confusion! armoirs spread open, with clothes tumbled in every direction, inside and out; ribbons, laces on floors; chairs overturned; my desk wide open covered with letters, trinkets, etc.; bureau drawers half out, the bed filled with odds and ends of everything. I no longer recognized my little room. On the bolster was a little box, ...
— A Confederate Girl's Diary • Sarah Morgan Dawson

... weapons—the shield in particular—reflected skill upon Clump or whatever carpenter had fashioned them. In some charge of one of the combatants, the round table, although intended to be in a place of safety, had been overturned, adding a globe, a streaming inkstand, and sundry books to the medley ...
— Captain Mugford - Our Salt and Fresh Water Tutors • W.H.G. Kingston

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