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Orbital   /ˈɔrbətəl/   Listen
Orbital  adj.  Of or pertaining to an orbit. "Orbital revolution."
Orbital index (Anat.), in the skull, the ratio of the vertical height to the transverse width of the orbit, which is taken as the standard, equal to 100.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Orbital" Quotes from Famous Books

... orbital revolutions, they began the deceleration and descent. The whole affair, as I said, was very solidly based on technical determinations of stresses, heat limits, patterns of glide, and Bannister's absolute conviction that nothing would let ...
— What Need of Man? • Harold Calin

... curved notch in the edges of the bone between them. The coracoid bone is notched above the pectoral fin, the notch being terminated below by a spine, and above by an acute corner. There are no scales between the cranial ridges on the top of the head, nor in the concave inter-orbital space. A single row of five or six scales traverses the cheek below the infra-orbitar ridge. The temples before the upper limb of the preoperculum are densely scaly, as is also the gill flap above the upper opercular ridge. The acute membranous lobe which fills the notch between the two opercular ...
— Discoveries in Australia, Volume 1. • J Lort Stokes

... consequence of aberration, the star is displaced to a point a, its displacement sa being parallel to the earth's motion at A; when the earth is at B, the star appears at b; and so on throughout an orbital revolution of the earth. Every star, therefore, describes an apparent orbit, which, if the line joining the sun and the star be perpendicular to the plane ABCD, will be exactly similar to that of ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

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