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One-fifth   /wən-fɪfθ/   Listen
one-fifth  n.  A fifth part.
Synonyms: fifth, fifth part, twenty percent.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"One-fifth" Quotes from Famous Books

... company around the faro table would be playing mostly with counters of red, circular pieces of ivory, called fish, or chips, each of which represented five dollars. A few who were nearly "broke" would be using the white ones of one-fifth the value. The players were silent as the grave, because some of them were "in great luck," and large piles of red chips were standing upon different cards to abide the event of the deal, but, alas! the close of the deal was unfavorable, and before ...
— Perley's Reminiscences, Vol. 1-2 - of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis • Benjamin Perley Poore

... greater part of its funds from the treasury of Para; its revenue, which amounts to about fifty contos of reis (5600), derived from export taxes on the produce of the entire province, not sufficing for more than about one-fifth ...
— The Naturalist on the River Amazons • Henry Walter Bates

... They were going to the Holy Land. How large was it? Twelve thousand square miles—one-fifth the size of Illinois—a frightful country, covered with rocks and desolation. There never was a land agent in the city of Chicago that would not have blushed with shame to have described that land as flowing with milk and honey. Do you believe that God Almighty ever went into partnership ...
— Lectures of Col. R. G. Ingersoll, Volume I • Robert Green Ingersoll

... average of 21.5 seeds per capsule. As we know that the long-styled form, when standing near plants of the other two forms and fertilised by insects, produces on an average 93 seeds per capsule, we see that this form, fertilised by its own two pollens, yields only between one-fourth and one-fifth of the full number of seed. I have spoken as if the plant had received both its own kinds of pollen, and this is, of course, possible; but, from the enclosed position of the shortest stamens, it is much more probable that the stigma received exclusively pollen from the mid-length stamens; and ...
— The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species • Charles Darwin

... colleges except the missionary institutions, in which the European staff of teachers has been maintained at a strength that explains their continued success. Out of 127 colleges there are 30 to-day with no Europeans at all on the staff, and these colleges contain about one-fifth of the students in all colleges. Of the other colleges 16 have only one European professor, 21 only two, and so forth. In the secondary schools the proportion of native to European teachers is even more ...
— Indian Unrest • Valentine Chirol

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