Noursle v. t. (Written also nosel, nousel, nousle, nowsle, nusle, nuzzle, etc) To nurse; to rear; to bring up. (Obs.) "She noursled him till years he raught."
Nuzzle v. t. (past & past part. nuzzled;pres. part. nuzzling)
To noursle or nurse; to foster; to bring up. (Obs.) "The people had been nuzzled in idolatry."
To nestle; to house, as in a nest.
Nuzzle v. i.
To work with the nose, like a swine in the mud. "And nuzzling in his flank, the loving swine Sheathed, unaware, the tusk in his soft groin.""He charged through an army of lawyers, sometimes... nuzzling like an eel in the mud."
To go with head poised like a swine, with nose down. "Sir Roger shook his ears, and nuzzled along."
To hide the head, as a child in the mother's bosom; to nestle.
... Littimer had refrained from asking any awkward questions. From the window she could see Bell and Merritt walking up and down the terrace, the latter talking volubly and worrying at a big cigar as a dog might nuzzle at a bone. Chris saw Littimer join the other two presently and fall in with their conversation. His laugh came to the girl's ear more than once. It was quite evident that the eccentric nobleman was enjoying ... — The Crimson Blind • Fred M. White