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Naked   /nˈeɪkəd/   Listen
Naked  adj.  
Having no clothes on; uncovered; nude; bare; as, a naked body; a naked limb; a naked sword.
Having no means of defense or protection; open; unarmed; defenseless; as, naked to invasion. "Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my king, he would not in mine age Have left me naked to mine enemies." "Thy power is full naked." "Behold my bosom naked to your swords."
Unprovided with needful or desirable accessories, means of sustenance, etc.; destitute; unaided; bare. "Patriots who had exposed themselves for the public, and whom they saw now left naked."
Without addition, exaggeration, or excuses; not concealed or disguised; open to view; manifest; plain. "The truth appears so naked on my side, That any purblind eye may find it out." "All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do."
Mere; simple; plain; as, the naked truth. "The very naked name of love."
(Bot.) Without pubescence; as, a naked leaf or stem; bare, or not covered by the customary parts, as a flower without a perianth, a stem without leaves, seeds without a pericarp, buds without bud scales.
(Mus.) Not having the full complement of tones; said of a chord of only two tones, which requires a third tone to be sounded with them to make the combination pleasing to the ear; as, a naked fourth or fifth.
Naked bed, a bed the occupant of which is naked, no night linen being worn in ancient times.
Naked eye, the eye alone, unaided by eyeglasses, or by telescope, microscope, or other magnifying device.
Naked-eyed medusa. (Zool.) See Hydromedusa.
Naked flooring (Carp.), the timberwork which supports a floor.
Naked mollusk (Zool.), a nudibranch.
Naked wood (Bot.), a large rhamnaceous tree (Colibrina reclinata) of Southern Florida and the West Indies, having a hard and heavy heartwood, which takes a fine polish.
Synonyms: Nude; bare; denuded; uncovered; unclothed; exposed; unarmed; plain; defenseless.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Naked" Quotes from Famous Books

... The forum of the Roman people, where they assembled to enact their laws and elect their magistrates, is now enclosed for the cultivation of pot-herbs, or thrown open for the reception of swine and buffaloes. The public and private edifices, that were founded for eternity, lie prostrate, naked, and broken, like the limbs of a mighty giant; and the ruin is the more visible, from the stupendous relics that have survived the injuries ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 6 • Edward Gibbon

... himself back with a little shiver of intelligence. The lumes of wine, the fumes of wonder were drifting away from him, leaving him face to face with naked, amazing reality. ...
— If I Were King • Justin Huntly McCarthy

... on the body and the tail was of a deep chestnut,— except on the breast, which was a rich purple. From each side of the body beneath the wings sprang a mass of long floating plumes of the most delicate texture, of a bright yellow; and beyond the tail projected a pair of naked shafts, far longer even than the yellow plumes. Sometimes, when the bird was at rest, it allowed these plumes to hang down close together; then suddenly it would raise them, when they arched over, covering the whole of the body, ...
— The South Sea Whaler • W.H.G. Kingston

... of theatre-goers, trodden upon the dress of one of the ladies in attempting to pass—in extricating himself from that awkwardness, trodden upon the dresses of two more—and left the whole three nearly naked in the street; while three female voices were screaming in shame and mortification, and three male voices sending words after him the very ...
— Shoulder-Straps - A Novel of New York and the Army, 1862 • Henry Morford

... images like polished agate, but conveyed to her no sense of our presence. Marianna led her to a seat, and she crossed her hands and nailed her dull gaze on Roberto. I looked from one to another, and in that spectral light it seemed to me that we were all souls come to judgment and naked to each other as to God. As to my own wrongdoing, it weighed on me no more than dust. The only feeling I had room for was fear—a fear that seemed to fill my throat and lungs and bubble coldly over my ...
— Crucial Instances • Edith Wharton

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