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Muff   /məf/   Listen
Muff  n.  
A soft cover of cylindrical form, usually of fur, worn by women to shield the hands from cold.
(Mech.) A short hollow cylinder surrounding an object, as a pipe.
(Glass Manuf.) A blown cylinder of glass which is afterward flattened out to make a sheet.
A stupid fellow; a poor-spirited person. (Colloq.) "A muff of a curate."
(Baseball) A failure to hold a ball when once in the hands.
(Zool.) The whitethroat. (Prov. Eng.)

Muff  v. t.  (past & past part. muffed; pres. part. muffing)  To handle awkwardly; to fumble; to fail to hold, as a ball, in catching it.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Muff" Quotes from Famous Books

... began, most unseasonably, to snow, and the wind blew from the north, exactly as if winter had begun again. When I got home from work I found Maria Victorovna in my room. She was in her furs with her hands in her muff. ...
— The House with the Mezzanine and Other Stories • Anton Tchekoff

... in prayer; The sunlight slants across her hair; A pallid child in rusty black Stands in the doorway, looking back.... A poilu gropes (his eyes are wide) Along the altar rail. The tide Of war has cast him brokenly Upon the shore of life. I see A girl in costly furs, who cries Against her muff; I see her rise And hurry out. Two tourists pause Beside the grated chancel doors, To wonder and to speculate; To stoop and read a ...
— Cross Roads • Margaret E. Sangster

... PATTLE. Mr. PATTLE let me have the honour of introducing you to our popular young undertaker, Mr. JOBSON." Gave me rather a shock, but JOBSON seemed quite a pleasant man. His wife was there too, gorgeously dressed in red plush with an Indian shawl on her shoulders, and a sealskin muff. She must have felt the ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 9, 1891 • Various

... down at him. She was not a beautiful lady, nor very young. Indeed, she was a few years older than the Queen, and the Queen was a widowed grandmother. But she had a sweet dignity and warm serenity—an unhurried look, as if she had all the time in the world for a wee dog; and Bobby was an age-whitened muff of a plaintive terrier that captured her heart at once. Very certain that this stranger knew and cared about how he felt, Bobby turned and led her down to Auld Jock's grave. And when she was seated on the table-tomb ...
— Greyfriars Bobby • Eleanor Atkinson

... till he knows if he can carry them out. But I'm glad to see you. I didn't want to do anything sort of underhand with you, you know. Say, Judge, does your invitation to go camping still hold good? After my looking such a muff ...
— Dorothy's Travels • Evelyn Raymond

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