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Mountain chain   /mˈaʊntən tʃeɪn/   Listen
Mountain  adj.  
Of or pertaining to a mountain or mountains; growing or living on a mountain; found on or peculiar to mountains; among mountains; as, a mountain torrent; mountain pines; mountain goats; mountain air; mountain howitzer.
Like a mountain; mountainous; vast; very great. "The high, the mountain majesty of worth."
Mountain antelope (Zool.), the goral.
Mountain ash (Bot.), an ornamental tree, the Pyrus Americana (or Sorbus Americana), producing beautiful bunches of red berries. Its leaves are pinnate, and its flowers white, growing in fragrant clusters. The European species is the Pyrus aucuparia, or rowan tree.
Mountain barometer, a portable barometer, adapted for safe transportation, used in measuring the heights of mountains.
Mountain beaver (Zool.), the sewellel.
Mountain blue (Min.), blue carbonate of copper; azurite.
Mountain cat (Zool.), the catamount. See Catamount.
Mountain chain, a series of contiguous mountain ranges, generally in parallel or consecutive lines or curves.
Mountain cock (Zool.), capercailzie. See Capercailzie.
Mountain cork (Min.), a variety of asbestus, resembling cork in its texture.
Mountain crystal. See under Crystal.
Mountain damson (Bot.), a large tree of the genus Simaruba (Simaruba amarga) growing in the West Indies, which affords a bitter tonic and astringent, sometimes used in medicine.
Mountain dew, Scotch whisky, so called because often illicitly distilled among the mountains. (Humorous)
Mountain ebony (Bot.), a small leguminous tree (Bauhinia variegata) of the East and West Indies; so called because of its dark wood. The bark is used medicinally and in tanning.
Mountain flax (Min.), a variety of asbestus, having very fine fibers; amianthus. See Amianthus.
Mountain fringe (Bot.), climbing fumitory. See under Fumitory.
Mountain goat. (Zool.) See Mazama.
Mountain green. (Min.)
Green malachite, or carbonate of copper.
See Green earth, under Green, a.
Mountain holly (Bot.), a branching shrub (Nemopanthes Canadensis), having smooth oblong leaves and red berries. It is found in the Northern United States.
Mountain laurel (Bot.), an American shrub (Kalmia latifolia) with glossy evergreen leaves and showy clusters of rose-colored or white flowers. The foliage is poisonous. Called also American laurel, ivy bush, and calico bush. See Kalmia.
Mountain leather (Min.), a variety of asbestus, resembling leather in its texture.
Mountain licorice (Bot.), a plant of the genus Trifolium (Trifolium Alpinum).
Mountain limestone (Geol.), a series of marine limestone strata below the coal measures, and above the old red standstone of Great Britain. See Chart of Geology.
Mountain linnet (Zool.), the twite.
Mountain magpie. (Zool.)
The yaffle, or green woodpecker.
The European gray shrike.
Mountain mahogany (Bot.) See under Mahogany.
Mountain meal (Min.), a light powdery variety of calcite, occurring as an efflorescence.
Mountain milk (Min.), a soft spongy variety of carbonate of lime.
Mountain mint. (Bot.) See Mint.
Mountain ousel (Zool.), the ring ousel; called also mountain thrush and mountain colley. See Ousel.
Mountain pride, or Mountain green (Bot.), a tree of Jamaica (Spathelia simplex), which has an unbranched palmlike stem, and a terminal cluster of large, pinnate leaves.
Mountain quail (Zool.), the plumed partridge (Oreortyx pictus) of California. It has two long, slender, plumelike feathers on the head. The throat and sides are chestnut; the belly is brown with transverse bars of black and white; the neck and breast are dark gray.
Mountain range, a series of mountains closely related in position and direction.
Mountain rice. (Bot.)
An upland variety of rice, grown without irrigation, in some parts of Asia, Europe, and the United States.
An American genus of grasses (Oryzopsis).
Mountain rose (Bot.), a species of rose with solitary flowers, growing in the mountains of Europe (Rosa alpina).
Mountain soap (Min.), a soft earthy mineral, of a brownish color, used in crayon painting; saxonite.
Mountain sorrel (Bot.), a low perennial plant (Oxyria digyna with rounded kidney-form leaves, and small greenish flowers, found in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and in high northern latitudes.
Mountain sparrow (Zool.), the European tree sparrow.
Mountain spinach. (Bot.) See Orach.
Mountain tobacco (Bot.), a composite plant (Arnica montana) of Europe; called also leopard's bane.
Mountain witch (Zool.), a ground pigeon of Jamaica, of the genus Geotrygon.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mountain chain" Quotes from Famous Books

... Sclavonia towards the borders of Styria, the outlying Austrian province in that direction. It was the shortest line of march available, the distance to be covered being about two hundred miles. On reaching the Styrian frontier, the Illyrian mountain chain needed to be crossed, and within it lay the obstacle with which Solyman had ...
— Historical Tales, Vol 5 (of 15) - The Romance of Reality, German • Charles Morris

... by innumerable small streams. The soil is formed of the detritus of the volcanic rocks, specially of feldspar; pumice abounds in the ravines. The channels of the rivulets are the only roads for the traveller. This mountain chain is, on the whole, a pleasant spot, more delightful for the reason that it rises between the arid shores of the Red Sea and the flat, hot, and level plains of the Soudan. The province of Barka is a boundless prairie, about 2,500 feet above the level of the ...
— A Narrative of Captivity in Abyssinia - With Some Account of the Late Emperor Theodore, - His Country and People • Henry Blanc

... extent of the surrounding plains. These observations seem satisfactorily to refute the objections made by certain savants respecting the great height of the Himalaya mountains, which may be, therefore, safely pronounced to be the loftiest mountain chain on the ...
— Celebrated Travels and Travellers - Part III. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century • Jules Verne

... Flanders and of Holland, it seemed drawn by a geometrical rule, not a cape, cove, or estuary breaking the perfect straightness of the design. On the right, just beyond high-water mark, the downs, fantastically heaped together like a mimic mountain chain, or like tempestuous ocean-waves suddenly changed to sand, rolled wild and confused, but still in a regularly parallel course with the line of the beach. They seemed a barrier thrown up to protect the land from being bitten quite away by the ever-restless ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

... the valley shows a rolling mountain chain washed in in tender shades of purple, paling nearer at hand to blue, the tender indescribable mountain blue. Great jagged headlands hang perilously over the deep, and the silver thread of a distant waterfall gleams here and there down the face of the gorges ...
— In the Mist of the Mountains • Ethel Turner

... a curious phenomenon; Krakatoa Island, a huge conical mountain rising from the bottom of Sunda Strait, went out of existence, while in Java a mountain chain was leveled, and up from the bowels of the earth came an iceberg—as you might call it—that floated a hundred miles on a stream of molten ...
— The Grain Ship • Morgan Robertson

... and steepest parts of the mountain chain may be found marine petrifactions of every variety—the sea-hedgehog, the oyster, the mussel, and the star-fish; and in the beds of trachytic rock, deposited in such order that one might fancy they had been placed there by a careful and tasty housewife, are layers of the most curious shells, ...
— Le Morvan, [A District of France,] Its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests; with Legends, Antiquities, Rural and Local Sketches • Henri de Crignelle

... assure you: so cold that it was difficult to believe the statement that all the gentlemen had been down at daybreak to bathe in the great lake which spread like an inland sea before the bay-window of the little sitting room. This lake, the largest of the mountain chain, never freezes, on account partly of its great depth, and also because of its sunny aspect. Our destination lay far inland, and if we meant to have a good long day's skating we must start at once. Such a perfect day as it was! I felt ...
— Station Amusements • Lady Barker

... and dissolving away, it still towered aloft in the midst of them, fixed and immovable. It must, thought I, be the summit of a mountain, and yet its heights staggered me. My conclusion was right, however. It was Long's Peak, once believed to be one of the highest of the Rocky Mountain chain, though more recent discoveries have proved the contrary. The thickening gloom soon hid it from view and we never saw it again, for on the following day and for some time after, the air was so full of mist that the view of distant ...
— The Oregon Trail • Francis Parkman, Jr.

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