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Miscegenation   Listen
Miscegenation  n.  A mixing of races; amalgamation, as by intermarriage of black and white. Note: Until the late twentieth century, misceganation was a crime in some states of the Southern United States.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Miscegenation" Quotes from Famous Books

... briefly, this: that conception by a female results in a definite modification of her germ-plasm from the influence of the male, and that this modification will be shown in the offspring she may subsequently bear to a second male. The only case where it is often invoked in the human race is in miscegenation. A white woman has been married to a Negro, for instance, and has borne one or more mulatto offspring. Subsequently, she mates with a white man; but her children by him, instead of being pure white, it is alleged, will be also mulattoes. ...
— Applied Eugenics • Paul Popenoe and Roswell Hill Johnson

... bitterness. Inferior in physique to his black, and in morale to his white, parent, he seeks strength by making the families of his progenitors fall out. Had the Southern States of America deported all the products of 'miscegenation,' instead of keeping them in servitude, the 'patriarchal institution' might have lasted to this day instead ...
— To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II - A Personal Narrative • Richard Francis Burton and Verney Lovett Cameron

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