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Miner   /mˈaɪnər/   Listen
Miner  n.  
One who mines; a digger for metals, etc.; one engaged in the business of getting ore, coal, or precious stones, out of the earth; one who digs military mines; as, armies have sappers and miners.
Any of numerous insects which, in the larval state, excavate galleries in the parenchyma of leaves. They are mostly minute moths and dipterous flies.
The chattering, or garrulous, honey eater of Australia (Myzantha garrula).
Miner's elbow (Med.), a swelling on the black of the elbow due to inflammation of the bursa over the olecranon; so called because of frequent occurrence in miners.
Miner's inch, in hydraulic mining, the amount of water flowing under a given pressure in a given time through a hole one inch in diameter. It is a unit for measuring the quantity of water supplied.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Miner" Quotes from Famous Books

... them so, when she made lambs for wolves. The laws that fear and policy have framed, nature disclaims: she knows but two; and those are force and cunning. The nobler law is force; but then there's danger in't; while cunning, like a skilful miner, works safely ...
— The Gamester (1753) • Edward Moore

... day-hunting, Chinese ghost with a white jacket and a pigtail. Presently, giving way to a Chinaman's ruling passion, he could be observed breaking the ground near his hut, between the mighty stumps of felled trees, with a miner's pickaxe. After a time, he discovered a rusty but serviceable spade in one of the empty store-rooms, and it is to be supposed that he got on famously; but nothing of it could be seen, because he ...
— Victory • Joseph Conrad

... these words, apparently launched at me from out the Ewigkeit, I spun round on my bare heels in the loamy sand of the track, with a moving picture thought in my mind of little gnomes in pointed caps and leathern jerkins, with diminutive miner's picks in their hands, and a fancy for the occasional bestowal of magical gifts upon wandering mortals. The picture was gone in a second, of course; and I glared at the orchard fence as though that ...
— The Record of Nicholas Freydon - An Autobiography • A. J. (Alec John) Dawson

... message to the "boss" of the tunnel and was hurrying back to the cage, when a half-naked miner, all stained with the ever-dripping ooze from above, ...
— The Transformation of Job - A Tale of the High Sierras • Frederick Vining Fisher

... out what a miner's checkweighman was. She tried to find out what sort of wife Aaron had—but, except that she was the daughter of a publican and was delicate in ...
— Aaron's Rod • D. H. Lawrence

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