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Marsh rosemary   /mɑrʃ rˈoʊzmˌɛri/   Listen
Marsh  n.  (Written also marish)  A tract of soft wet land, commonly covered partially or wholly with water; a fen; a swamp; a morass.
Marsh asphodel (Bot.), a plant (Nartheeium ossifragum) with linear equitant leaves, and a raceme of small white flowers; called also bog asphodel.
Marsh cinquefoil (Bot.), a plant (Potentilla palustris) having purple flowers, and found growing in marshy places; marsh five-finger.
Marsh elder. (Bot.)
The guelder-rose or cranberry tree (Viburnum Opulus).
In the United States, a composite shrub growing in salt marshes (Iva frutescens).
Marsh five-finger. (Bot.) See Marsh cinquefoil (above).
Marsh gas. (Chem.) See under Gas.
Marsh grass (Bot.), a genus (Spartina) of coarse grasses growing in marshes; called also cord grass. The tall Spartina cynosuroides is not good for hay unless cut very young. The low Spartina juncea is a common component of salt hay.
Marsh harrier (Zool.), a European hawk or harrier (Circus aeruginosus); called also marsh hawk, moor hawk, moor buzzard, puttock.
Marsh hawk. (Zool.)
A hawk or harrier (Circus cyaneus), native of both America and Europe. The adults are bluish slate above, with a white rump. Called also hen harrier, and mouse hawk.
The marsh harrier.
Marsh hen (Zool.), a rail; esp., Rallus elegans of fresh-water marshes, and Rallus longirostris of salt-water marshes.
Marsh mallow (Bot.), a plant of the genus Althaea ( Althaea officinalis) common in marshes near the seashore, and whose root is much used in medicine as a demulcent.
Marsh marigold. (Bot.) See in the Vocabulary.
Marsh pennywort (Bot.), any plant of the umbelliferous genus Hydrocotyle; low herbs with roundish leaves, growing in wet places; called also water pennywort.
Marsh quail (Zool.), the meadow lark.
Marsh rosemary (Bot.), a plant of the genus Statice (Statice Limonium), common in salt marshes. Its root is powerfully astringent, and is sometimes used in medicine. Called also sea lavender.
Marsh samphire (Bot.), a plant (Salicornia herbacea) found along seacoasts. See Glasswort.
Marsh St. John's-wort (Bot.), an American herb (Elodes Virginica) with small opposite leaves and flesh-colored flowers.
Marsh tea. (Bot.). Same as Labrador tea.
Marsh trefoil. (Bot.) Same as Buckbean.
Marsh wren (Zool.), any species of small American wrens of the genus Cistothorus, and allied genera. They chiefly inhabit salt marshes.

Rosemary  n.  A labiate shrub (Rosmarinus officinalis) with narrow grayish leaves, growing native in the southern part of France, Spain, and Italy, also in Asia Minor and in China. It has a fragrant smell, and a warm, pungent, bitterish taste. It is used in cookery, perfumery, etc., and is an emblem of fidelity or constancy. "There's rosemary, that's for remembrance."
Marsh rosemary.
A little shrub (Andromeda polifolia) growing in cold swamps and having leaves like those of the rosemary.
See under Marsh.
Rosemary pine, the loblolly pine. See under Loblolly.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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