"Archetype" Quotes from Famous Books
... less bright and free; if the eyes had a deeper depth at times, it was not for Mrs. Starling to penetrate; and if the childlike play of the mouth had a curve of beauty that had never until then belonged to it, the archetype of such a sign did not lie in Mrs. Starling's nature. Yet once or twice a jealous movement of suspicion did rise in her, only because Diana seemed so happy. She reasoned with herself immediately that Evan's absence could never have such an effect, ... — Diana • Susan Warner
... model, pattern, prototype, copy, archetype, exemplar; precedent instance, illustration, case. Associated Words: exemplify, ... — Putnam's Word Book • Louis A. Flemming
... Proverbs, which Augustine's deacon was reading in Latin—the blood of the man who wrote these words was flowing in Aben-Ezra's veins.... Was it a mistake, an hypocrisy? or were they indeed worshipping, as they fancied, the Ancient One who spoke face to face with his forefathers, the Archetype of man, the friend of Abraham ... — Hypatia - or, New Foes with an Old Face • Charles Kingsley
... ancients realized their beau ideal or archetype of go-between which they called; in vulgar language "pimp". That God, as go-between for Jupiter, was often involved in the most hazardous enterprises, such as abducting Io, who was guarded by Argus of the hundred eyes; Mercury I say, was the ... — The Satyricon, Complete • Petronius Arbiter
... words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned,' is no barren pulpit-test, but a tremendous practical law for every day, and for every matter. Teach them to be sure that man can find out truth, because God his Father and Archetype will show it to those who hunger after it. Try to make them see clearly the Divine truths which are implied, not only in their creeds, but in their simplest household ... — Phaethon • Charles Kingsley