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Mailing list   /mˈeɪlɪŋ lɪst/   Listen
mailing list  n.  A list of names and addresses to which advertising, solicitations of money, or other materials material sent in large quantities is mailed; it is usually used by comercial or charitable organizations. Mailing lists are often sold by organizations to other organizations, and are frequently used for targeted mailing, i. e., mailing to groups of people who are more likely htan the general population to respond as desired to the message in the mail.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mailing list" Quotes from Famous Books

... rather than out of actual intent. Many clever advertisements pull a large number of inquiries but few sales are made. It is a waste of time and money to use an inducement that does not stimulate an actual interest. Many a mailing list is choked with deadwood—names that represent curiosity seekers and the company loses on both hands, for it costs money to get those names on the list and it costs more money to get them ...
— Business Correspondence • Anonymous

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