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Magnet   /mˈægnət/   Listen
Magnet  n.  
The loadstone; a species of iron ore (the ferrosoferric or magnetic ore, Fe3O4) which has the property of attracting iron and some of its ores, and, when freely suspended, of pointing to the poles; called also natural magnet. "Dinocrates began to make the arched roof of the temple of Arsinoe all of magnet, or this loadstone." "Two magnets, heaven and earth, allure to bliss, The larger loadstone that, the nearer this."
(Physics) A bar or mass of steel or iron to which the peculiar properties of the loadstone have been imparted; called, in distinction from the loadstone, an artificial magnet. Note: An artificial magnet, produced by the action of an electrical current, is called an electro-magnet.
Field magnet (Physics & Elec.), a magnet used for producing and maintaining a magnetic field; used especially of the stationary or exciting magnet of a dynamo or electromotor in distinction from that of the moving portion or armature.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Magnet" Quotes from Famous Books

... understand. I am not speaking of an agricultural field. Do you not know that every mass of matter in motion carries with it an invisible gravitational field, every magnet an invisible magnetic field, and every living organism a mesmeric field? Even you have a perceptible mesmeric field. Feeble as it is, it is the strongest I have yet observed ...
— Back to Methuselah • George Bernard Shaw

... these sympathetic associates like a magnet was in great part that charm of the general conversation, the memory of which still lingers wherever traditions of Brook Farm are cherished. The never failing succession of entertainments especially in summer were enjoyed to the full by the ...
— My Friends at Brook Farm • John Van Der Zee Sears

... a silence between them. Her cold look told him to go. Pride and common sense both urged him to obey—but he could not. He was like a bit of iron filing in the presence of a magnet. ...
— The Fur Bringers - A Story of the Canadian Northwest • Hulbert Footner

... not unreasonable to suppose that COLD was produced there in order to make up for the heat evolved by the other part of the circuit. The author therefore has endeavored to clear up this uncertainty by experiment. His apparatus consisted of a small compound electro-magnet, immersed in water, revolving between the poles of a powerful stationary magnet. The magneto-electricity developed in the coils of the revolving electro-magnet was measured by an accurate galvanometer; and the temperature of the water was taken before and after each ...
— A History of Science, Volume 3(of 5) • Henry Smith Williams

... a very good boy, and learned his lessons well, his father bought him a magnet and swan. Willie was delighted, and procured a large basin of water in which he put the swan, and taking the magnet in his hand, the swan followed the magnet around the basin, to the wonder and astonishment of his little sister, who could not understand how it was. Her father ...
— The Skating Party and Other Stories • Unknown

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