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Low spirits   /loʊ spˈɪrɪts/   Listen
Low  adj.  (compar. lower; superl. lowest)  
Occupying an inferior position or place; not high or elevated; depressed in comparison with something else; as, low ground; a low flight.
Not rising to the usual height; as, a man of low stature; a low fence.
Near the horizon; as, the sun is low at four o'clock in winter, and six in summer.
Sunk to the farthest ebb of the tide; as, low tide.
Beneath the usual or remunerative rate or amount, or the ordinary value; moderate; cheap; as, the low price of corn; low wages.
Not loud; as, a low voice; a low sound.
(Mus.) Depressed in the scale of sounds; grave; as, a low pitch; a low note.
(Phon.) Made, as a vowel, with a low position of part of the tongue in relation to the palate.
Near, or not very distant from, the equator; as, in the low northern latitudes.
Numerically small; as, a low number.
Wanting strength or animation; depressed; dejected; as, low spirits; low in spirits.
Depressed in condition; humble in rank; as, men of low condition; the lower classes. "Why but to keep ye low and ignorant?"
Mean; vulgar; base; dishonorable; as, a person of low mind; a low trick or stratagem.
Not elevated or sublime; not exalted in thought or diction; as, a low comparison. "In comparison of these divine writers, the noblest wits of the heathen world are low and dull."
Submissive; humble. "Low reverence."
Deficient in vital energy; feeble; weak; as, a low pulse; made low by sickness.
Moderate; not intense; not inflammatory; as, low heat; a low temperature; a low fever.
Smaller than is reasonable or probable; as, a low estimate.
Not rich, high seasoned, or nourishing; plain; simple; as, a low diet. Note: Low is often used in the formation of compounds which require no special explanation; as, low-arched, low-browed, low-crowned, low-heeled, low-lying, low-priced, low-roofed, low-toned, low-voiced, and the like.
Low Church. See High Church, under High.
Low Countries, the Netherlands.
Low German, Low Latin, etc. See under German, Latin, etc.
Low life, humble life.
Low milling, a process of making flour from grain by a single grinding and by siftings.
Low relief. See Bas-relief.
Low side window (Arch.), a peculiar form of window common in mediaeval churches, and of uncertain use. Windows of this sort are narrow, near the ground, and out of the line of the windows, and in many different situations in the building.
Low spirits, despondency.
Low steam, steam having a low pressure.
Low steel, steel which contains only a small proportion of carbon, and can not be hardened greatly by sudden cooling.
Low Sunday, the Sunday next after Easter; popularly so called.
Low tide, the farthest ebb of the tide; the tide at its lowest point; low water.
Low water.
The lowest point of the ebb tide; a low stage of the in a river, lake, etc.
(Steam Boiler) The condition of an insufficient quantity of water in the boiler.
Low water alarm or Low water indicator (Steam Boiler), a contrivance of various forms attached to a boiler for giving warning when the water is low.
Low water mark, that part of the shore to which the waters recede when the tide is the lowest.
Low wine, a liquor containing about 20 percent of alcohol, produced by the first distillation of wash; the first run of the still; often in the plural.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Low spirits" Quotes from Famous Books

... back. What? I must become like these lowly, beggarly people? must deliberately step out of my accustomed circle into this boundless misery? No, no man could do it. He returned to his suite in very low spirits. ...
— I.N.R.I. - A prisoner's Story of the Cross • Peter Rosegger

... on to its end drearily and miserably enough, I can tell you. Miss Rachel still kept her room, declaring that she was too ill to come down to dinner that day. My lady was in such low spirits about her daughter, that I could not bring myself to make her additionally anxious, by reporting what Rosanna Spearman had said to Mr. Franklin. Penelope persisted in believing that she was to be forthwith tried, sentenced, and ...
— The Moonstone • Wilkie Collins

... breeches who had nearly finished unloading a wagon of corn into the barn ready for early thrashing; the scanty dairy of cows being tethered for milking and leaving one half of the shed in brown emptiness; the very pigs and white ducks seeming to wander about the uneven neglected yard as if in low spirits from feeding on a too meagre quality of rinsings,—all these objects under the quiet light of a sky marbled with high clouds would have made a sort of picture which we have all paused over as a "charming bit," touching other sensibilities ...
— Middlemarch • George Eliot

... were weary and disappointed. With what high hopes they had set out on their travels! With what low spirits they returned home! They were too tired to see where they were going, and they stumbled blindly on, over tangled roots, around clumps of trees, through open bits of woodland, too fatigued to protest or ...
— Madge Morton's Secret • Amy D. V. Chalmers

... Brackett was not giving way to his grief. There was too much to be done for that. He was trying to set up the overturned stove, and make things more comfortable. At the same time his cheery tones were raising the low spirits of his companions, and causing them to take a brighter view of ...
— Raftmates - A Story of the Great River • Kirk Munroe

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