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Lord's Prayer   /lɔrdz prɛr/   Listen
Lord  n.  
One who has power and authority; a master; a ruler; a governor; a prince; a proprietor, as of a manor. "But now I was the lord Of this fair mansion." "Man over men He made not lord."
A titled nobleman., whether a peer of the realm or not; a bishop, as a member of the House of Lords; by courtesy; the son of a duke or marquis, or the eldest son of an earl; in a restricted sense, a baron, as opposed to noblemen of higher rank. (Eng.)
A title bestowed on the persons above named; and also, for honor, on certain official persons; as, lord advocate, lord chamberlain, lord chancellor, lord chief justice, etc. (Eng.)
A husband. "My lord being old also." "Thou worthy lord Of that unworthy wife that greeteth thee."
(Feudal Law) One of whom a fee or estate is held; the male owner of feudal land; as, the lord of the soil; the lord of the manor.
The Supreme Being; Jehovah. Note: When Lord, in the Old Testament, is printed in small capitals, it is usually equivalent to Jehovah, and might, with more propriety, be so rendered.
(Christianity) The Savior; Jesus Christ.
House of Lords, one of the constituent parts of the British Parliament, consisting of the lords spiritual and temporal.
Lord high chancellor, Lord high constable, etc. See Chancellor, Constable, etc.
Lord justice clerk, the second in rank of the two highest judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland.
Lord justice general, or Lord president, the highest in rank of the judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland.
Lord keeper, an ancient officer of the English crown, who had the custody of the king's great seal, with authority to affix it to public documents. The office is now merged in that of the chancellor.
Lord lieutenant, a representative of British royalty: the lord lieutenant of Ireland being the representative of royalty there, and exercising supreme administrative authority; the lord lieutenant of a county being a deputy to manage its military concerns, and also to nominate to the chancellor the justices of the peace for that county.
Lord of misrule, the master of the revels at Christmas in a nobleman's or other great house.
Lords spiritual, the archbishops and bishops who have seats in the House of Lords.
Lords temporal, the peers of England; also, sixteen representative peers of Scotland, and twenty-eight representatives of the Irish peerage.
Our lord, Jesus Christ; the Savior.
The Lord's Day, Sunday; the Christian Sabbath, on which the Lord Jesus rose from the dead.
The Lord's Prayer, (Christianity) the prayer which Jesus taught his disciples, also called the Our Father.
The Lord's Supper.
The paschal supper partaken of by Jesus the night before his crucifixion.
The sacrament of the eucharist; the holy communion.
The Lord's Table.
The altar or table from which the sacrament is dispensed.
The sacrament itself.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Lord's prayer" Quotes from Famous Books

... translation of the prayers and forms of the Catholic church,—these collected, too, in long periods, from the prayers and meditations of every saint and sacred writer all over the world. Grotius makes the like remark in respect to the Lord's Prayer, that the single clauses of which it is composed were already in use in the time of Christ, in the Rabbinical forms. He picked out the grains of gold. The nervous language of the Common Law, the impressive forms of our courts and the precision and substantial truth of the legal distinctions, are ...
— Beacon Lights of History, Volume XIII • John Lord

... Passing still a little farther on, he was struck with a groan which issued from a hovel. He approached the spot, and heard a voice, in the provincial English of his native county, which endeavoured, though frequently interrupted by pain, to repeat the Lord's Prayer. The voice of distress always found a ready answer in our hero's bosom. He entered the hovel, which seemed to be intended for what is called, in the pastoral counties of Scotland, a smearing-house; and in its obscurity Edward could only at first discern a sort of red bundle; for those ...
— Waverley, Or 'Tis Sixty Years Hence, Complete • Sir Walter Scott

... arrangement, besides the necessity of correction. For instance, I earnestly wish to begin the volumes, with what has never been seen by any, however few, such as a series of Odes on the different sentences of the Lord's Prayer, and more than all this, to finish my greater work on 'Christianity, considered as Philosophy, and as the only Philosophy.' All the materials I have in no small part, reduced to form, and written, but, oh me! what can I do, when I am so poor, that in having ...
— Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey • Joseph Cottle

... Father.] The first four lines are borrowed by Pulci, Morg. Magg. c. vi. Dante, in his 'Credo,' has again versified the Lord's prayer. ...
— The Divine Comedy • Dante

... saying her prayers with devotion, and regularly attending the services of the church; she married an honest man, and was most happy. The other, on the contrary, was satisfied with hearing low mass, and hurrying once or twice through the Lord's Prayer, after which she went off to indulge herself with sweetmeats. She complained of headaches, and required careful diet. She married a most excellent knight; but, one evening, taking advantage of her husband being asleep, she shut herself up ...
— Manners, Custom and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period • Paul Lacroix

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