A place of rest, or of temporary habitation; esp., a sleeping apartment; often in the plural with a singular meaning. "Wits take lodgings in the sound of Bow."
Abiding place; harbor; cover. "Fair bosom... the lodging of delight."
Lodging house, a house where lodgings are provided and let.
Lodging room, a room in which a person lodges, esp. a hired room.
... life which flowered here in the free air of the District as under an African sun; the newsboys, the bootblacks, the muledrivers, all amused us. We spent that first night in Washington in a little lodging house just at the corner of the Capitol grounds where beds were offered for twenty-five cents. It was a dreadful place, but we slept without waking. It took a large odor, a sharp lance to keep either of us ... — A Son of the Middle Border • Hamlin Garland