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Lily   /lˈɪli/   Listen
Lily  n.  (pl. lilies)  
(Bot.) A plant and flower of the genus Lilium, endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of six colored pieces, six stamens, and a superior three-celled ovary. Note: There are nearly fifty species, all found in the North Temperate zone. Lilium candidum and Lilium longiflorum are the common white lilies of gardens; Lilium Philadelphicum is the wild red lily of the Atlantic States. Lilium Chalcedonicum is supposed to be the "lily of the field" in our Lord's parable; Lilium auratum is the great gold-banded lily of Japan.
(Bot.) A name given to handsome flowering plants of several genera, having some resemblance in color or form to a true lily, as Pancratium, Crinum, Amaryllis, Nerine, etc.
That end of a compass needle which should point to the north; so called as often ornamented with the figure of a lily or fleur-de-lis. "But sailing further, it veers its lily to the west."
(Auction Bridge) A royal spade; usually in pl. See Royal spade, below.
African lily (Bot.), the blue-flowered Agapanthus umbellatus.
Atamasco lily (Bot.), a plant of the genus Zephyranthes (Zephyranthes Atamasco), having a white and pink funnelform perianth, with six petal-like divisions resembling those of a lily.
Blackberry lily (Bot.), the Pardanthus Chinensis, the black seeds of which form a dense mass like a blackberry.
Bourbon lily (Bot.), Lilium candidum.
Butterfly lily. (Bot.) Same as Mariposa lily, in the Vocabulary.
Lily beetle (Zool.), a European beetle (Crioceris merdigera) which feeds upon the white lily.
Lily daffodil (Bot.), a plant of the genus Narcissus, and its flower.
Lily encrinite (Paleon.), a fossil encrinite, esp. Encrinus liliiformis. See Encrinite.
Lily hyacinth (Bot.), a plant of the genus Hyacinthus.
Lily iron, a kind of harpoon with a detachable head of peculiar shape, used in capturing swordfish.
Lily of the valley (Bot.), a low perennial herb (Convallaria majalis), having a raceme of nodding, fragrant, white flowers.
Lily pad, the large floating leaf of the water lily. (U. S.)
Tiger lily (Bot.), Lilium tigrinum, the sepals of which are blotched with black.
Turk's-cap lily (Bot.) Lilium Martagon, a red lily with recurved sepals; also, the similar American lily, Lilium superbum.
Water lily (Bot.), the Nymphaea, a plant with floating roundish leaves, and large flowers having many petals, usually white, but sometimes pink, red, blue, or yellow.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Lily" Quotes from Famous Books

... clear and cool, and Anna drank thirstily. Then she bathed her face and hands, slipped off her moccasins and stockings and dipped her feet in the cool stream. She felt rested and refreshed, as with the tin cup filled with water, and covered with a broad leaf of a water-lily, she made her careful way back to where she ...
— A Little Maid of Old Maine • Alice Turner Curtis

... perfection: Fruit-trees also thrive very well.[58] In the cuts for the fishponds I observed below the sand, a rich black earth, full of decayed vegetables, which probably renders this apparently sandy land, so fertile. The ponds were half covered with the white water-lily, and some other aquatic plants of the country. The whole island abounds in gay shrubs and gaudy flowers[59], where the humming-bird, here called the beja flor or kiss-flower, with his sapphire wings and ...
— Journal of a Voyage to Brazil - And Residence There During Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823 • Maria Graham

... passed the transition period of puberty and is entering upon young womanhood she exerts an irresistible attraction on the male sex. Whether she give the impression of a luscious red rose or of a delicate white lily, the charms of a beautiful, healthy, bright girl of seventeen or eighteen are undeniable and their appeal to the esthetic and sexual sense of every normal male is a normal, natural phenomenon. Whether it is a good thing ...
— Woman - Her Sex and Love Life • William J. Robinson

... appear, As if in pure water you dropped and let die A bruised black-blooded mulberry; And that other sort, their crowning pride, With long white threads distinct inside, {380} Like the lake-flower's fibrous roots which dangle Loose such a length and never tangle, Where the bold sword-lily cuts the clear waters, And the cup-lily couches with all the white daughters: Such are the works they put their hand to, The uses they turn and twist iron and sand to. And these made the troop, which our Duke saw sally Toward his castle ...
— Introduction to Robert Browning • Hiram Corson

... with crab sauce. 1. Pigeons' eggs stewed with mushrooms. 2. Sliced sea-slugs in chicken broth with ham. II. Wild duck and Shantung cabbage. 3. Fried fish. 4. Lumps of pork fat fried in rice flour. III. Stewed lily roots. 5. Chicken mashed to pulp, with ham. 6. Stewed bamboo shoots. IV. Stewed shell-fish. 7. Fried slices of pheasant. 8. Mushroom broth. Remove—Two dishes of fried pudding, one sweet and the other salt, with two dishes of steamed puddings, also one sweet and one salt. [These ...
— Chinese Sketches • Herbert A. Giles

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