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Left   /lɛft/   Listen
Leave  v. t.  (past & past part. left; pres. part. leaving)  
To withdraw one's self from; to go away from; to depart from; as, to leave the house. "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife."
To let remain unremoved or undone; to let stay or continue, in distinction from what is removed or changed. "If grape gatherers come to thee, would they not leave some gleaning grapes?" "These ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone." "Besides it leaveth a suspicion, as if more might be said than is expressed."
To cease from; to desist from; to abstain from. "Now leave complaining and begin your tea."
To desert; to abandon; to forsake; hence, to give up; to relinquish. "Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee." "The heresies that men do leave."
To let be or do without interference; as, I left him to his reflections; I leave my hearers to judge. "I will leave you now to your gossiplike humor."
To put; to place; to deposit; to deliver; to commit; to submit with a sense of withdrawing one's self from; as, leave your hat in the hall; we left our cards; to leave the matter to arbitrators. "Leave there thy gift before the altar and go thy way." "The foot That leaves the print of blood where'er it walks."
To have remaining at death; hence, to bequeath; as, he left a large estate; he left a good name; he left a legacy to his niece.
To cause to be; followed by an adjective or adverb describing a state or condition; as, the losses due to fire leave me penniless; The cost of defending himself left Bill Clinton with a mountain of lawyers' bills.
To leave alone.
To leave in solitude.
To desist or refrain from having to do with; as, to leave dangerous chemicals alone.
To leave off.
To desist from; to forbear; to stop; as, to leave off work at six o'clock.
To cease wearing or using; to omit to put in the usual position; as, to leave off a garment; to leave off the tablecloth.
To forsake; as, to leave off a bad habit.
To leave out, to omit; as, to leave out a word or name in writing.
To leave to one's self, to let (one) be alone; to cease caring for (one).
Synonyms: Syn. To quit; depart from; forsake; abandon; relinquish; deliver; bequeath; give up; forego; resign; surrender; forbear. See Quit.

Leave  v. i.  (past & past part. left; pres. part. leaving)  
To depart; to set out. (Colloq.) "By the time I left for Scotland."
To cease; to desist; to leave off. "He... began at the eldest, and left at the youngest."
To leave off, to cease; to desist; to stop. "Leave off, and for another summons wait."

Left  past, past part.  Of Leave.

Left  adj.  
Of or pertaining to that side of the body in man on which the muscular action of the limbs is usually weaker than on the other side; opposed to right, when used in reference to a part of the body; as, the left hand, or arm; the left ear. Also said of the corresponding side of the lower animals.
Situated so that the left side of the body is toward it; as, the left side of a deliberative meeting is that to the left of the presiding officer; the left wing of an army is that to the left of the center to one facing an enemy.
Left bank of a river, that which is on the left hand of a person whose face is turned downstream.
Left bower. See under 2d Bower.
Left center, the members whose sympathies are, in the main, with the members of the Left, but who do not favor extreme courses, and on occasions vote with the government. They sit between the Center and the extreme Left.
Over the left shoulder, or Over the left, an old but still current colloquialism, or slang expression, used as an aside to indicate insincerity, negation, or disbelief; as, he said it, and it is true, over the left.

Left  n.  
That part of surrounding space toward which the left side of one's body is turned; as, the house is on the left when you face North. "Put that rose a little more to the left."
Those members of a legislative assembly (as in France) who are in the opposition; the advanced republicans and extreme radicals. They have their seats at the left-hand side of the presiding officer. See Center, and Right.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Left" Quotes from Famous Books

... him with the command, and on the 29th of March, only twelve days after the British had left, gave him his orders, which concluded with this expression of confidence: "Your long service and experience will, better than my particular directions at this distance, point out to you the works most proper to be raised; and your ...
— "Old Put" The Patriot • Frederick A. Ober

... to me that the castle had never been a properly fortified place, being intended only as a summer residence for the barons of Bussoleno, who used to resort hither during the extreme heat, if times were tolerably quiet. After this he left me. Taking him at his word, I walked all round, but there was only a shell remaining; the rest of the building had evidently been burnt, even the wing in which the present proprietor resides being, if I remember rightly, modernised. The site, however, and ...
— Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino • Samuel Butler

... expression almost of terror,—"Good Heavens, if there isn't a chrysanthemum bed too, exactly like ours! what does this mean?" Hetty had little thought when she was laying out her garden, as nearly as possible like the garden she had left behind her, that she was writing a record which any eye but her own ...
— Hetty's Strange History • Helen Jackson

... Once we start work on the reactors, you and Ned Puryear and Joe Ricci and Steve Chalmers can't be everywhere at once. A cybernetic system will only do what it's been assembled to do, and if some quarter-wit assembles one of these things wrong—" He left the sentence dangling; both men knew what ...
— Day of the Moron • Henry Beam Piper

... we had homespun cotton all the year round, but in winter we had a sheep skin jacket with the wool left on the inside. Sometimes sheep skin shoes with the wool on the inside and sometimes real cow leather shoes with wood peggings for winter, but always barefooted in summer, all the men ...
— Slave Narratives, Oklahoma - A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From - Interviews with Former Slaves • Various

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