"Intermeddle" Quotes from Famous Books
... was immediately concerned. However, be this as it may, the commodore was satisfied that nothing was to be done by the interposition of the merchants, as it was on his pressing them to deliver a letter to the viceroy that they had declared they durst not intermeddle, and had confessed, that, notwithstanding all their pretences of serving him, they had not yet taken one step towards it. Mr Anson therefore told them, that he would proceed to Batavia and refit his ship ... — A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 11 • Robert Kerr
... whencesoever he come, or for what offence or cause it be, either for his refuge in the said holy place, he is assured of his life, liberty, and limbs: and over this, I forbid, under pain of everlasting damnation, that no minister of mine, or any of my successors, intermeddle with any of the goods, lands, and possessions of the said persons taking the said sanctuary: for I have taken their goods and livelode into my special protection. And therefore I grant to every, each of them, in as much as my terrestrial power may ... — London in 1731 • Don Manoel Gonzales
... reasonable contentment. When supper was over Richard and Elizabeth went quietly into the great entrance hall, where there was always a little fire burning. They had their own hopes and joys, in which no heart, however near and dear, could intermeddle, and this was fully recognized. Phyllis only gave them a bright smile as they withdrew. The squire ignored their absence; Antony was at Eltham; for an hour the two little groups were as happy ... — The Hallam Succession • Amelia Edith Barr
... latter's speeches and writings as relate to American slavery, for the purpose of convincing the countrymen of O'Connell of the justice, propriety, and, in view of the aggravated circumstances of the case, moderation and forbearance of Henry Clay when speaking of a man who has had the impudence to intermeddle with the "patriarchal institutions" of our country, and with the "domestic relations" ... — The Complete Works of Whittier - The Standard Library Edition with a linked Index • John Greenleaf Whittier
... Interest interesi. Interest one's self in interesigxi je. Interesting interesa. Interfere sin intermeti. Interior interno. Interjection interjekcio. Interline interlinii. Interlocutor interparolanto. Interloper trudulo. Interlude interakto. Intermeddle enmiksigxi. Intermediate intera, intermeza. Interment interigo. Interminable senfina. Intermission intermito. Intermit intermiti. Intermittent intermita. Internal interna. Internally interne. International internacia. ... — English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes