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Interchange   /ˌɪntərtʃˈeɪndʒ/  /ˌɪnərtʃˈeɪndʒ/   Listen
Interchange  n.  
The act of mutually changing; the act of mutually giving and receiving; exchange; as, the interchange of civilities between two persons. "Interchange of kindnesses."
The mutual exchange of commodities between two persons or countries; barter; commerce.
Alternate succession; alternation; a mingling. "The interchanges of light and darkness." "Sweet interchange Of hill and valley, rivers, woods, and plains."
An intersection between highways, having two or more levels and a series of connecting roadways so that traffic on one highway may pass over or under the other highway without crossing through the line of traffic, and vehicles may pass from one highway to the other while traffic on both highways continues uninterrupted. A common interchange is the cloverleaf.

Interchange  v. t.  (past & past part. interchanged; pres. part. interchanging)  
To put each in the place of the other; to give and take mutually; to exchange; to reciprocate; as, to interchange places; they interchanged friendly offices and services. "I shall interchange My waned state for Henry's regal crown."
To cause to follow alternately; to intermingle; to vary; as, to interchange cares with pleasures.

Interchange  v. i.  To make an interchange; to alternate.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Interchange" Quotes from Famous Books

... estimated in Griesbaeh's recension, was decidedly against the common reading; while the Trinitarians maintained that Griesbaeb's recension in those instances had left that reading undisturbed. An Episcopalian began to bare his doubts whether the usage in favor of the interchange of the words "bishop" and "presbyter" was so uniform as the Presbyterian and Independent maintained, and whether there was not a passage in which Timothy and Titus were expressly called "bishops." The Presbyterian and Independent ...
— The Eclipse of Faith - Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic • Henry Rogers

... loads me in frequent public speeches, are alleviated by your kind services to me; and as they are of little weight as coming from a man of that character, they are regarded by me with contempt, and I am quite pleased by an interchange of persons to regard you in the light of a cousin.[502] Him I don't wish even to remember, though I have twice saved his life in his own despite. Not to be too troublesome to you about my affairs, I have written to Lollius as to what I want ...
— The Letters of Cicero, Volume 1 - The Whole Extant Correspodence in Chronological Order • Marcus Tullius Cicero

... systems, a facilitated interchange of freight cars, the economic use of terminals, and the consolidation of facilities are suggested ways ...
— State of the Union Addresses of Warren Harding • Warren Harding

... not last long. Lentulus called out in a surly tone to know where his niece was, and the latter was fain to present herself. It could not be said that the meeting between Cornelia and her uncle was extremely affectionate. The interchange of kisses was painfully formal, and ...
— A Friend of Caesar - A Tale of the Fall of the Roman Republic. Time, 50-47 B.C. • William Stearns Davis

... reported that Yarro's father, the late king of Kiama, during his life time had enjoyed the friendship of an Arab from the desert, which was returned with equal warmth and sincerity. A similarity of dispositions and pursuits produced a mutual interchange of kind actions; their friendship became so great that the king was never happy except when in the Arab's company, and as a proof of his esteem and confidence, he gave him his favourite daughter in marriage. The fruit of this alliance was ...
— Lander's Travels - The Travels of Richard Lander into the Interior of Africa • Robert Huish

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