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Indicative mood   /ɪndˈɪkətɪv mud/   Listen
Indicative  adj.  
Pointing out; bringing to notice; giving intimation or knowledge of something not visible or obvious. "That truth is productive of utility, and utility indicative of truth, may be thus proved."
(Fine Arts) Suggestive; representing the whole by a part, as a fleet by a ship, a forest by a tree, etc.
Indicative mood (Gram.), that mood or form of the verb which indicates, that is, which simply affirms or denies or inquires; as, he writes; he is not writing; has the mail arrived?

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Indicative mood" Quotes from Famous Books

... understood by these four numbers, but the author perfects it. Guerre, or 'war,' is the nominative case, and is appropriately designated by the Arabic numeral 1. The third person, singular, present tense, of the indicative mood of a verb, is characterized by 15. Grand and mal being each in the nominative case, also require the figure ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 - Devoted To Literature And National Policy • Various

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