"Incase" Quotes from Famous Books
... Christianorum; a new festival, that of the Rosary, was now added to those already held in her honour; and all the artistic genius which existed in Italy, and all the piety of orthodox Christendom, were now laid under contribution to incase in marble sculpture, to enrich with countless offerings, that miraculous house, which the angels had borne over land and sea, and set down at Loretto; and that miraculous, bejewelled, and brocaded ... — Legends of the Madonna • Mrs. Jameson
... all things; never took an opinion or spent a shilling without her advice; and yet all the time he thought himself to be the ruler, and she the ruled. For Frances was very tactful, and if she governed with a rod of iron, she was clever enough to incase ... — Frances Kane's Fortune • L. T. Meade
... before the royal gates. The front appear'd with radiant splendours gay, Bright as the lamp of night, or orb of day, The walls were massy brass: the cornice high Blue metals crown'd in colours of the sky, Rich plates of gold the folding doors incase; The pillars silver, on a brazen base; Silver the lintels deep-projecting o'er, And gold the ringlets that command the door. Two rows of stately dogs, on either hand, In sculptured gold and labour'd silver stood These Vulcan form'd ... — The Odyssey of Homer • Homer, translated by Alexander Pope
... by intising them to mistruste and blaspheme God: Either for the intollerablenesse of their tormentes, as he assayed to haue done with IOB; (M26) or else for his promising vnto them to leaue the troubling of them, incase they would so do, as is knowen by experience at this same time by the confession of a young ... — Daemonologie. • King James I
... some vtheris his Lo. frendis and veill villeris, qha tendaris his Lo. better preferment, ar vpon the resolucion ye knaw, for the revenge of that cawse; and his Lo. hes vrettin to me anent that purpose, qhairto I vill accorde, incase ye vill stand to and beir a part: and befoir ye resolve, meet me and M.A.R. in the Cannogat on Tysday the nixt owk, and be als var as ye kan. Indeid M.A.R. spak with me fowr or fywe dayis syn, and I hew promised his Lo. ane answar within ten dayis at farrest. ... — James VI and the Gowrie Mystery • Andrew Lang |